Not quite honest with you

I have to admit. I have been hiding one important thing for you. Not nice I know.

Make a pregnancy ticker

So now you know. Im pregnant. Im due to 31/7 - 2010.

New friends and old friends

Sorry that I havent updated the blog for a few days.

This is what I have done. On wednsday I met a new girl. We ate a lunch and some icecream ( that is soo good, I choose strawberry, blueberry and chocolate). After that we just wandered around and talked and looked at some stuff. Very nice girl. I hope to eat lunch and drink some coffe soon again.

On thursday it was time to have a lunchdate with an old friend. We did some shopping. I will show you what I bought later today.

Tomorrow I will help a friend to go to Ikea and do some other things that you have to have a car to do. ( she has a driving licens but no car - and she hates to drive).

Hurghada, Egypt

Seems like I cant get the pictures right to show you so I just tell you instead.

, Egypt

We are gonna stay at Le Pacha. All-inclusive.

Breakfast 7.00-10.00
Lunch 13.00-15.00
Dinner 19.00-22.00

Friday 2/4 - We have to be at the airport at 5 because our flight leaves at 7.15! Borded the flight and off we went. A 5 hours and 30 minutes ride to be in Egypt! Not bad. No comments about the flight.
When we arrived and got the keys to our room we went to the room and just left the bags there and went to get some sun. Of course all the beachtowels was gone. No sun for us this day.

Sathurday 3/4 - Just sun and the pool.

Sunday 4/4 - Sun and pool and a massage

Monday 5/4 - Sun and pool

Tuesday 6/4 - The SO is sick so I went to Sharm El Naga to snorkeling and just have a nice time in the sun. At Sharm El Naga you can go from the beach and snorkeling. Cool. I have not developed my underwaterpictures yet.

Wednsday 7/4 - More sun and more dipping in the pool. Massage

Thursday 8/4 -
Went by jeep throught the desert to visit a beduin camp.

Friday 9/4 -
How much sun can you get without getting tired of it? Answer? You dont get tired of the sun.

Sathurday 10/4 -
Massage and more sun.

Sunday 11/4 -
Snorkeling and a visit to Giftun Island. More sun.

Monday 12/4 -
More sun and just take it easy.

Tuesday 13/4 -
Time for a trip to Cairo. Pickuptime 2.15 (in the morning!) Busride took around 6 hours. First we saw the pyramides and the sphinx. After that a visit to a perfume factory. LUNCH! After that it was time for the Egyptian Museum.

Wednsday 14/4 -
Massage - yes please! Just more sun and dip in the pool. Did you think I get tired of the lovley sun? No way! Time to go home on friday so.

Thursday 15/4 -
A vulcano on Iceland have had an errupton. Ash over Europe. More sun and the last massage.

Friday 16/4 -
We was supposed to go home today. But we have to stay until the travelcompany knows more about the saftey to fly through the ash. Just waiting in the sun for more information.

Sathurday 17/4
- Sun and waiting for more info. The ash is spreading all over Europe.

Sunday 18/4 - Pickuptime at 5.15. Such an early hour. Do people really get up at this time?? For me it is a time to go to bed, but hey - that is me. Waiting at the airport for just under 5 hours. Destination Athens. Dinner and a couple of hours later we went by BUS to go to Stockholm.

Monday 19/4 to Wednsday 21/4 - I will not bother you about details. But this trip was loong. I spent around 4000 swedish km in a bus. We went throuhg Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark and finally Sweden. 2 nights in the bus on the road, 1 in a hotel in Hungary. The busdriver? It was 2 greek men that didnt speak english. I wish I could say I saw much. But in a bus that is in a hurry you dont see much.

Home, safe and sound!

Sunny Monday

The day started with to little sleep - that means headache. No painkillers at home. But now it is fine, the sun is shining - the only thing is that I have to be inside instead of outside in the sun (Im at work). Well I survive. I just hope that the sun stays the whole week.

Cats are adorable

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Princess Madeleine and Jonas

So. It is all over the news. Swedens princess Madeleine and her fiance Jonas is breaking up their engagement. I dont care that much. I just feel sorry for Madeleine that have to share this mess with the whole word through the internet and the news. Ordinary people is breaking up and that is it, no news or anything in the paper.

Home at last

Sorry for not updating the blog for over two weeks, but as you might remember, I have been in Egypt. That was an adventure! I dont even know where to start to tell you!

Im at work right now and I dont have any pictures on this laptop so when I get home I will update you on whats happend and show you some pictures! Ok? Good.

1st of April

So, it is April fools day today. Did you fool anybody? I didn't. And no, nobody fooled me eigher. Bought lots of clothes today. Im gonna show you them as soon as I can take a picture of them.

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