Sunny beautiful warm autumday

It is ok to have a lazy day sometimes. My day was lazy until I started to wipe off the tumble drier. When I had wiped it off.. of course I had to move it a bit from the wall.. (we have a very tiny drier) .. and guess what I found there.. tons of catfood! The dry food u know. So I had to vacume and mop there. Oh well at least I know it is clean there now.

Went to Kista Mall today. Oh god.. it was something going on there (Idol) but I didnt stay there long enough to find out what it was. Ate sushi and did some errands. Back home to relax some before work. At work now and watch some tv. Stupid enough I took the car. No parking. So now I have a bit to walk to my car. But it will be nice tomorrow to get home faster then I would have done if I had taken the metro.


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