Our white cat

3 cats

Me and J has 3 cats. This could be one of them.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Pride Festival 2010

It is sathurday now and Im supposed to give birth today. We'll see about that.

It is also Pride Festival today.


Today its not raining. So I decided to go shopping. I have to change some clothes and buy some others. And then lunch. Sushi! Long time since. The pickuptime is 10.00.
Im very tired today. J is freezeing and Iam sweating in the bedroom so we tried closed windows tonight because of the heavy rain yesterday. J was dreaming a lot and disturbed me so my morningsleep wasnt good. He was talking in his sleep and moved a lot. But now - I have to hurry so I'm ready when the car gets here.

One of thoose

Today is one of thoose boring days, it is raining outside and I have to do lots of choirs at home. They say that a big housecleaning doesn't affects if the baby arrives or not but I can try it, right?

In the middle of the night

What do you do when its to late to really do anything but you can't sleep? You browse the internet to see if there is something fun to watch. What is more fun then do see other people make a fool of thems: Drunk people and Passed out pictures.

More babyclothes

Every store has sale now. I went to some of them to see if I could find something good for E. There wasnt that much I liked but still I bought some bodys and a pair of trousers.

I also had to buy some contactlens liquid.

After that it was time for dinner at the in-laws. The last evening for J big sister here in Sweden.

Wednsday the 28th of july

Still no sign that E is on his way. How can you persuate a baby to be born? Im due on sathurday - and no I have no desire to wait longer, but I guess I have to. The bag is packed, we only need to put the candy there but we will do that the last minute.

Today Im gonna buy some small thing we need for the baby. Ointment, oil and maybe some diapers. I want to buy the changing mat (where you change the diapers). Maybe some towels to put there aswell.

Its not a sunny day today but it feels warm.

Mondays Gone


A dear friend of mine is visiting me today. She's been to Svalbard for a week and have lots of photos to show me.

Later today me and J is going to his parents to just eat dinner and socialize with his sister and her son. The son just love J.

the last meeting

So the last meeting with "my" midwife. Everything is fine. If everything goes as planned, E will come om sathurday. If not I have a meeting with another midwife on thursday next week.

Last meeting with midwife and week 40

Yesterday I went into week 40

You Baby's Development

After many weeks of anticipation and preparation, your baby is here! Or maybe not — only 5% of women deliver on their estimated due dates, and many first-time mothers find themselves waiting up to 2 weeks after their due date for their baby to arrive.

A baby born at 40 weeks weighs, on average, about 7 pounds, 4 ounces (3,300 grams) and measures about 20 inches (51 cm). Don't expect your baby to look like the Gerber baby right off the bat — newborns often have heads temporarily misshapen from the birth canal and may be covered with vernix and blood. Your baby's skin may have skin discolorations, dry patches, and rashes — these many variations are completely normal.

Because of the presence of your hormones in your baby's system, your baby's genitals (scrotum in boys and labia in girls) may appear enlarged. Your baby, whether a boy or a girl, may even secrete milk from the tiny nipples. This should disappear in a few days and is completely normal.

Right after birth, your health care provider will suction mucus out of your baby's mouth and nose, and you'll hear that long-awaited first cry. Your baby may then be placed on your stomach, and the umbilical cord will be cut — often by the baby's dad, if he chooses to do the honors! A series of quick screening tests, such as the Apgar score, will be performed to assess your baby's responsiveness and vital signs, and he or she will be weighed and measured. If your pregnancy was high risk, or if a cesarean section was necessary, a neonatologist (a doctor who specializes in newborn intensive care) will be present at your delivery to take care of your baby right away. If your baby needs any special care to adjust to life outside the womb, it will be given — and then your newborn will be placed in your waiting arms.

Your Body

This week you'll experience the moment you've been anticipating — your introduction to your baby! Before you can meet your baby, though, you have to go through labor and delivery. You may have learned about the three stages of birth in your prenatal classes. The first stage of labor works to thin and stretch your cervix by contracting your uterus at regular intervals. The second stage of labor is when you push your baby into the vaginal canal and out of your body. The third and final stage of labor is when you deliver the placenta.

If you don't go into labor within a week of your due date, your health care provider may recommend you receive a nonstress test, which monitors fetal heart rate and movement to be sure that the baby is receiving adequate oxygen and that the nervous system is responding. Talk to your health care provider to find out more about this test.

Sometimes mother nature may need a little coaxing. If your labor isn't progressing, or if your health or your baby's health requires it, your health care provider may induce labor by artificially rupturing the membranes or by administering the hormone oxytocin or other medications. If your pregnancy is high risk, or if there are any other potential complications, you may require a cesarean section delivery.

Some women know ahead of time that they will be delivering via cesarean section and are able to schedule their baby's "birth day" well in advance. If you're one of them, you've probably been able to prepare yourself emotionally and mentally for the birth — which can help to lessen the feelings of disappointment that many mothers who are unable to deliver vaginally experience. But even if you have to undergo a cesarean section that wasn't planned, rest assured that you'll still be able to bond with your baby. It might not be the birth experience you imagined, but your beautiful newborn has arrived nonetheless. The months of waiting are over!


Today is the last planned meeting with the midwife. After that Im gonna do some laundry and some cleaning. J put up the toilet cubicle so now Im gonna arrange all the stuff in that.


Take Care!


Ok whats up with the playsuits everyone seems to wear theese days? They look horrible (the suit not the people). And some of them even goes outside wearing theese clothes! Do they even look at them selfs in the mirror before they step outside the door??

My lazy day

Today was a lasy day. That is because we went to bed at 4 am. I have felt what I think is contractions. So today was lasy. We got up at 11 ate brunch. Went to bed again for an hour. After that I just sat infront of the pc and tv.
But we did do something good. We grinded some elk. From that J made very good pecorino filled ground beef patties. To that we ate potatoe and a salad. For dessert ? Bananapie. Yummie!

I need a day home without doing anything.


So, now its time for another followups. Scream 4. I love horrormovies but its getting rediciolus when you makes a followups just becuse you can. And all the remakes!

Yesterdays lecture at the maternityward

Me and J was at the hospital yesterday to listen to the lecture at the maternityward. I was hoping to get a sightseeing, but noo, nothing like that. They talked about giving birth at their ward and what we needed to bring. They also showed a newborn diper. They are very small. BUT when they showed us the diper prematurebabies get.. it was like a dollarbill. So small! It was nice to hear them talk about what happends at the ward when you get there. As you know, its not that long until I get my baby.

So today? Tired as hell, even thou I slept 8 hours. Today is to buy catlitter and I have to vaccum ( I didnt do that yesterday) and mop the floor. And I have to take care of one of the bedrooms. But I hope our drawers will come. Me and J ordered 2 pieces for almost 3 weeks ago. I want them bad so I can get SOME order in the walk-in-closet. As it is now, total caos. But its ok, I dont work so I dont have to dress up properly. Its so hot that I cant wear much more then a bikini. Yes I can still wear bikinis even thou I'm 9 month pregnant.

Im up

Im up, I wouldnt go that far as sayinng Im awake. Im barley awake. In an hour my mother in-law, J:s sister (and her kid) comming to visit me (J:s off to work). Later Im going to eat lunch with them. Tonight its the last chance for me and J to visit the ward where Im going to give birth (before the birth ie).

But now, I have to rush. I want to vaccum clean a little bit before I get company. The kid is allergic to cats. And I have to eat some, Im hungry.

A day full of duties

Tonight, what do you think I woke up to? One of the cats pushed down a flower in the bedroon. The flower is ok but it is dirt almost all over the floor and the pot is broken. Damn cat! I did not do anything about it tonight but now I have to take a turn with the vaccum cleaner. And as if that was not enough, a cat have puked in the bed, not much and just "water" - I bet it is the "blond" cat. Why I suspect that? Because "somebody" (no names) have nomned on the rose on the kitchentable. As much as I love cats, sometime they are a pain in the ass. AND I have to clean the litterbox.

Pjuh, if Im not in so much pain today I will go to the mall and try to buy a book for the new baby. You know one of thoose book you write things you want to remember.
And later today Im gonna have my nails done.

Not a good day

It was nice to eat lunch with my friend but I had so much pain so it was not fun at all to walk. But at least I bought some more clothes for my baby. A plain body with the text " I love dad"


I have a lunchdate with a friend today. I have had contractions the whole morning. That doesnt mean that the baby is on its way. That only means that my belly is training for it. Not amused anyway.
Have a nice day folks.

Week 39

Omg. I realised that is soon time for the baby to come. I just went into week 39.

Your Baby's Development

Umbilical cords, which carry nutrients from the placenta to the baby, vary in size but average about 22 inches (55 cm) long and half an inch (1-2 cm) thick. Sometimes the umbilical cord can become wrapped around a baby’s neck. Generally, this doesn’t cause problems, although a cesarean delivery could be required if it causes pressure on the umbilical cord during labor or delivery. A true knot in the umbilical cord is much less common, occurring in only about 1% of pregnancies.

Most of the vernix that covered your baby's skin has disappeared, as has the lanugo. Your body has been supplying the baby with antibodies through the placenta that will help the baby's immune system fight infection for the first 6-12 months of life.


Week 39

Your Body

Braxton Hicks contractions may become more pronounced. Also called "false labor," these contractions may be as painful and strong as true labor contractions but do not become regular and do not increase in frequency as true contractions do.

Another sign of labor, the rupture of your amniotic sac, could happen any day now. When their water breaks, some women experience a large gush of water and some feel a steady trickle. Many women don’t experience their water breaking until they’re well into labor. Others need to have their water broken by their health care providers to get their labor started or to speed it up. If you think your water has broken or you are experiencing regular contractions, contact your health care provider.

Day at the beach

The day started with a loong sleep. After that, breakfast or should I say brunch? After that the beach. Its not that hot anymore but very sunny and nice. Dinner at the in-laws. But now are we home and I soon have to brush the cats, its cats hair all over the place.


J mother, father and grandmother just left. We had a wonderful dinner. For starter we had small cucumbers, creme fraiche and honey. Main course was zander with bacon and a cheese sause, potatoe and a fresh sallad. Dessert was raspberrypie with vanillasause. Later we had coffee and icecream. So nice!

Of course the apartment was hot, still 29 degrees C inside. But the good part is that it's started to rain a bit so its getting a bit cooler. Now, time to crash infront of the tv and see a movie from Voddler.

Time for the beach

My fiance was talking to one of his friends online yesterday. They was talking about the heat in sweden and the trouble of sleeping. The friend had just one comment: "It cant be easy living in a house that is build to kee the heat inside in this heat!" No its not! Its a hell at night. I shouldnt complain. I love the days. Its warm and sunny and after a winter like ours, this heat is well deserved.

So todays plans is to go to the beach. I already dreaming of the water.

Later today I think we are going to meet J grandmother. She is visiting her sons and their wifes. (She has 2 sons with families here) And of course she wants to see my belly. Her great-grandchild. That is so cool. I hope she lives long enough so my baby get to know her.

Trick people

I like when people have a sense of humor, when they really can make fun of them selfs. This girl has it.

Early bird

So what am I doing up now? Dont ask me.  My dear J has early shift at work and for some reason I woke up at the same time as him. And it is already hot outside so its hard to keep sleeping. I wish I had a cold basement.

Another hot night

It is still hot outside. It is 11 in the evening! Hot enough so you cant wear anything else then bikini. And if you take a shower, you are all sweathy like 5 minutes later.

Today I met up J after his work and we went to buy a new big pot. We also bought a cheese grater, the kind that you cranks.

When we got home it was time for dinner and we really wanted to eat cabbage pudding. It takes long time to make but it is good.

For some hour now we have spent infront of our computers.

Sweden or what?

I thought I lived in Sweden. But now its only 7 in the morning and it is already hot outside. Its like beeing around the Midterranean. Its not promising for the rest of the day. Its gonna stay hot. If I only had a pool or a sea. Then it would be perfect.

What happends today? Some laundry, I have to leave the recycling stuff and maybe a turn to the library.

week 38

Yesterday I went into week 38. OMG! Time flies by.

Your Baby's Development

Your baby weighs about 6 pounds, 6 ounces (2,900 grams) by now and measures about 13.4 inches (34 cm) in length from crown to rump. Fat is still accumulating, although growth is slower now. You may notice that your weight gain has decreased or ceased.

Since your baby has had the muscles to suck and swallow amniotic fluid, waste material has been accumulating in his or her intestines. Cells shed from the intestines, dead skin cells, and lanugo hair are some of the waste products that contribute to meconium, a greenish-black substance that constitutes your baby's first bowel movement.

If you're having a boy, his testicles have descended into the scrotum, unless he has a condition called undescended testicle. If you're having a girl, the labia are now completely developed.

Your Body

Because your baby is engaged in your pelvis, your bladder is extremely compressed, making frequent bathroom trips a necessity.

Have you and your partner made a decision about circumcision? Circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin of the penis in male babies. For some parents the decision to circumcise is a religious one. For others, the choice is not as easily made. Talk to your health care provider about the issues surrounding circumcision, including pain relief options for the baby.


Anybody that got some sleep tonight? I maybe got 4 hours.. bathing in my own sweat. NOT nice.
Only two visit at the midwife before I'm due. Today she took some bloodsample. Again everything was good. The baby is growing. After the visit me and J ate lunch together. Nice and hot outside. Or NOT nice! After that I visited a friend that is home recovering after a gbp (gastric by pass).

Sun and bath

Yesterday was nice. The evening ended with a movie - Jaws. I remember the first time I saw it. I was not old. I sat with big eyes and was terrified. Very exciting and terrifying movie - at that age! Now? Not that terrifying at all. I crasched into bed around 4 am. Guess what time I got up? Lunchtime. After a brunch me and J went to the "beach". "Görvensbadet". And no, not much people. It was just 30 degrees C in the air. Guess the rest! The water was so much warmer in the water then I could even imagine. Remember this is Sweden, not the Caribbean. Very pleasant day indeed. Now it is time for the final in football ( ok soccer for some of you guys!).


Almost two weeks ago I sent some friends an invitation for a babyshower. I printed out the ultrasoundpicture on blue transparet paper and the invitation on white transparent paper. The folder was in gold. I know I should have sent it earlier but since we have moved it kind of got delayed. But now it was done.

So today was the day.

Today have been a very nice day indeed! I have my first babyshower! For you that doesnt know what a babyshower is, it is a party for the mom to be. The guest comes with gifts for the baby or the mom. You can have games or other fun stuff to do. Drinks ( non-alcoholic of course) and food is served.

This morning was busy! We had to decorate the apartment. The weather is hot! Our apartment is hot. I hope my guest doesnt melt. I had bought blue balloons where it stand " It's a boy" on. I also had festoons and . Candles on the table. Blue plates. Centerpieces " Babyshower".

My friends came around lunchtime. When they arrived they got one huge candy-pacifier with a blue ribbon tied to it.

We sat and talked and drank a non-alcoholic drink on our balcony. After that we had a little test "Do you know the celebrities as kids?". The girl that had most right won a chocolate cake. It is easier said then done to guess who is who!

After that it was time to eat lunch. My sweetheart had made a nice sallad with coctail-mozzarella, coctail-tomatoes, cucumber, red union and ruccola. He had made chicken skewers, some with peanuttaste and some with teriyakitaste. To that we had a wonderful frenchpotatoe sallad! Soo good! We also had his own minipies filled with cheese. Oh so good food! The girls loved it! I almost forgot the onionrings! To this we drank soft drinks and more non-alcoholic wine.

Now a break and I open the presents. I love presents!

Milo was to tird to watch, but he wanted to be part of everything and lied under the sofatable the whole time.

After this we ate some cheese and crackers. As if this wasnt enough - my sweetie made us latte. Time flies by when you have a good time and soon it was time for the girls to get home.

Thanks my dear J for all the service during the day! Without you I shouldnt have had such a good time. You made the day! Now I could spend it with my girls with no interruptions!

I didnt have to ask or tell or anything. The food and drinks was there. He served us during this hours. To the cake he made all of us a very good latte.

Thanks girls for a good time. This is a memory for life. Love for that. *Smooches*

After this both me and J was so tired so we lied on the sofa and slept for 1 ½ hour. But now we are up and watching football. Time for more water, Im all drained out because of the heat.

Busy day

Sorry for the bad update. I have been busy prepareing for my babyshower tomorrow. Yes I'm preparing my own.

For the last couple of days I have had contractions on and off. Its not a big deal but enough to make me slow down a bit. Im fine now and the baby is not on its way or should I say, I dont want it to come before my babyshower!

Now our apartment look good. No cardbordboxes, no bags or anything like that!


Already up

Its time to get ready for the baptism. No mine! A cousin to J had her baby boy couple of weeks ago and now it is time for the baby to get baptised. I will write more when I get the time.


Tomorrow Im invited to a baptism. I want a dress but since Im pregnant it's not that easy. I thought I found a nice one but now J wants me to find another one. We'll see if I find one today.

Around one it is time to go to the veterinary with my Milo. Bloodsample again.

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