Been a while

Its been a while since and I will try to give you an update. Sathurday was nice. The in-laws and the godmother was here for dinner. Sunday is a day to take it slow.
On monday it was time to go back to Astrid Lindgrens hospital for children (AL)for more check ups for Baby E. When we got there the doctors wanted more blood samples ( how much blood do they think a baby have?). Then the nurses told us that the schedualed MR x-ray would take place tomorrow instead.

Its tuesday today and we have been at the AL most of the day. First it the x-ray and after that the doctors wanted to do an ultrasound on Baby E:s heart. Tomorrow we are going to meet the doctor that is handling this case and I hope the doctor have some answers. I will keep you updated.

As soon as I find the cable I will show you some clothes Baby E got in present.


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