Christmas Day

Did you have a nice Christmas Eve? We had a very nice day and evening. In Sweden we get all the presents on Christmas Eve. We was several persons that celebrated Christmas Eve togheter. There were the grandparets, old grandmother, J:s brother, wife and daughter, J:s sister and her son and of course me, J and Baby E. (the cats stayed at home).
It is Baby E:s first christmas (he is 4 ½ month) but I doubt that he understand and cares about christmas. He got lots of presents that I think is very useful. Clothes, toys, spoons that changes colours when the food is to hot, a story book and some money.
This year we have decided that the grown ups dont get presents but I got two from dear J. It was two digital frames.
Of course we ate to much food and drank to much soda (no alcohol for me because I'm the driver in the family as J dont have a license). A day as it should be, lots of good food and nice friends/family.

Today all the shops have huges sales and me and J went out to "fight" with all the other people in the stores to see if we could find anything cheap and nice. Did we succeed? No. J wanted to look at tv:s and computer stuff. We stood in line "forever". Baby E was with the grandparents (thank good for that!). We never went to any clothes stores and I dont miss it. People are crazy. Shoving and pushing and cut in lines. And dont talk about the parking! Oh the parking! If any traffic warden patroled the area - oh how many tickets they had to write! They problery run out of tickets. Crazy crazy. Lucky for me I had the luck on my side! I managed to find a parking place quite fast! And no tickets! And the traffic jams! Just take a deep breath and relax. People and cars everywhere. But I have to say that it all run smoothly. No accidents as far as I cold see.

Oh very well. That is all for today. See you tomorrow.

Over and out.


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