Early morning
Im not a morningperson. I like to be up late at night. Always liked that. But nowdays! I usually get up before 8.30 but it is kinda nice, the days feels longer and I acctually do lots more stuff everyday then I do when I sleep until 9 or 10.
Today a friend for J is comming here. He is vegan. What do u feed a vegan expept for salad? Quorn contains eggs so that is out of the question. So I decided to make root vegetables in the owen and rosted tofu. Just hope that it is eatable.
But now it is time for something to eat, a shower and some vacuum-cleaning. When you have cats, you have lots of dust-bunnies as well. And those dust-bunnies is not to play with! Horrible things they are!
Today a friend for J is comming here. He is vegan. What do u feed a vegan expept for salad? Quorn contains eggs so that is out of the question. So I decided to make root vegetables in the owen and rosted tofu. Just hope that it is eatable.
But now it is time for something to eat, a shower and some vacuum-cleaning. When you have cats, you have lots of dust-bunnies as well. And those dust-bunnies is not to play with! Horrible things they are!