Preparation for Thailand
We are going to Thailand on sathurday.
Fun, fun , fun but that means lots of planning. Especilly when you have a little one. I have spent the morning with phonecalls. Storage of mail and new paper, midwife, bassinett on the flight and so on. Yesterday I wrote lists of things we have to pack so we dont forget important things that we cant buy when we are there.
Just to make you happy - a picture of me and Baby E.
Off we go to pic up things from the pharmacy and the midwife.
Fun, fun , fun but that means lots of planning. Especilly when you have a little one. I have spent the morning with phonecalls. Storage of mail and new paper, midwife, bassinett on the flight and so on. Yesterday I wrote lists of things we have to pack so we dont forget important things that we cant buy when we are there.
Just to make you happy - a picture of me and Baby E.
Off we go to pic up things from the pharmacy and the midwife.
Postat av: Emma
Vad söta ni är :) God fortsättning och hoppas ni får det bra i Thailand
Postat av: Fiffi
Nej, Oliver äter inte Nutramigen längre, jag märkte ingen skillnad och när jag gav Nan2 efter att ha uteslutit mjölk i 3v så skulle han ha fått jätteont i magen typ med en gång om det var allergi etc men icke! Skönt!! :O)