I totally forgot to blog yesterday!
First we had Baby E:s swimming session. First time in step 3. They tried to dive from the edge of the pool.
After that we had some choirs to make before godmother comes to eat dinner.
We had a very nice evening, we ate good food and drank some wine.
And, now? Me and Baby E have been up since 6.30. When I think that is early, I think of the mums in the group - her kids gets up at 5.30! Man, that is early!
Well see you soon.
First we had Baby E:s swimming session. First time in step 3. They tried to dive from the edge of the pool.
After that we had some choirs to make before godmother comes to eat dinner.
We had a very nice evening, we ate good food and drank some wine.
And, now? Me and Baby E have been up since 6.30. When I think that is early, I think of the mums in the group - her kids gets up at 5.30! Man, that is early!
Well see you soon.
April Fools Day
Today Baby E has an appointment with the dietician. Later today we are going to have a cup of tea with a friend. Lets hope its gonna be a sunny day.
Play day
Yesterday I was supposed to just make a short visit at the open pre school. Just to pick up a canvas picture of Baby E:s feet (from when he was 4 month). I ended up beeing there for 2 hours! Baby E was crawling on the floor playing with all the toys. We picked up the picture, read the "news" about what is going to happend in April and attended the singing they have there just before lunch. Of course, Baby E couldnt sit still - he had to turn around, stand up, sit down and when I put him down - he tried to crawl away. After that we went home and Baby E crashed in his pram before we even left the building. It's not easy beeing green as Kermit the frog said.
Well. After that it was time to see the mum group. It turns out that it 3 of 5 mums was sick. Or should I say, 1 mum was sick and the other 2 mums had sick babies. So it was only me and H with her twins. We took a walk for about 1 hour (it was snowing!!) and then went home to her to have a cup of tea. Baby E was playing with the twins - I have to say that the girl run him down. The boy was calm and gentle.
When we went home - Baby E was soo tired so the fall asleep in his pram 200 m from her house! Poor boy.
After Baby E:s dinner I put him in his bathtub and let him play. As usually there was water allover the bathroom. He loves to bath and play.
Baby E was awake until daddy came home, but was soo tired so we put him to bed and he fell asleep right away.
Today? Just a day at home. A walk later to put some letter in the mailbox.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our
Well. After that it was time to see the mum group. It turns out that it 3 of 5 mums was sick. Or should I say, 1 mum was sick and the other 2 mums had sick babies. So it was only me and H with her twins. We took a walk for about 1 hour (it was snowing!!) and then went home to her to have a cup of tea. Baby E was playing with the twins - I have to say that the girl run him down. The boy was calm and gentle.
When we went home - Baby E was soo tired so the fall asleep in his pram 200 m from her house! Poor boy.
After Baby E:s dinner I put him in his bathtub and let him play. As usually there was water allover the bathroom. He loves to bath and play.
Baby E was awake until daddy came home, but was soo tired so we put him to bed and he fell asleep right away.
Today? Just a day at home. A walk later to put some letter in the mailbox.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our
Monday? Already?
So it is monday today? The weekend just fle by. On saturday we had Baby E:s swimming session. He was very tired because he didnt sleep anything before we had to go. His friend Daniel was there, a cute kid that is only a few days older then E.
We have talked about buying a walker for Baby E, now that he wants to walk all day. Usually you just use the chair for a month or so until the baby learns how to walk for them self. We decided to buy a used one and we checked out We found a good one that we wanted, so after the swimming session we went to look at it. It was very nice and at a good price so we bought it!
Then we went to the in-laws to pick up the cats and let Baby E play with grandmother (marmor as we call her).
We have talked about buying a walker for Baby E, now that he wants to walk all day. Usually you just use the chair for a month or so until the baby learns how to walk for them self. We decided to buy a used one and we checked out We found a good one that we wanted, so after the swimming session we went to look at it. It was very nice and at a good price so we bought it!
Then we went to the in-laws to pick up the cats and let Baby E play with grandmother (marmor as we call her).
My baby in his new walker He loves it!
doctors appointment
Baby E has a doctors appointment today to check his eyes. Sometimes it feels like we go to doctors every week (we dont).
Its lovley weather today. The sun is up and bright. It looks like it's a bit windy, but that's alright - as long as it is sunny!
Its lovley weather today. The sun is up and bright. It looks like it's a bit windy, but that's alright - as long as it is sunny!
picture borrowed from
Elisabeth Taylor died today at the age of 79.

Picture taken from

Picture taken from
Another sunny day
I had a nice day yesterday. First a long walk with a friend and her son that is in the same age as Baby E and after that a lunch at Vapiano at Gamla Stan. I took some pictures and I will try to upload them soon.
Today I will take a walk with another friend and her cute dog.
Talk to you later folks!
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our
Today I will take a walk with another friend and her cute dog.
Talk to you later folks!
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A walk in the sun
This morning has been good. I was at the pharmacy to pick up the food for Baby E that wasnt there the last time. On my way home I got a text message " What about a walk in the sun and a lunch after that?" Of course. Soon I will be on my way. Baby E is soo tired and just cries but I want to keep him up for another hour until his lunchnap.
Yesterday at the doctor, he only said that it I had overstretched my wrist. No meds. Just painkillers and rest the wrist. Sure.. with a baby. Some kind of rest.. Oh well. Enough about that.
See you later. I have to get ready for the walk.
Yesterday at the doctor, he only said that it I had overstretched my wrist. No meds. Just painkillers and rest the wrist. Sure.. with a baby. Some kind of rest.. Oh well. Enough about that.
See you later. I have to get ready for the walk.
A quick post
Just a quick post before I have to rush to the bus. I have to go to the doctor today because my wrist is not better. I write more when I get back!
Sunny saturday
Today was Baby E:s swimming session. When we got there I saw the underwater photograper! The pictures will come in 2 weeks.
Today we will have a nice day at home. Not run around with all "must", "need to" and " have to". A very nice feeling!
Today we will have a nice day at home. Not run around with all "must", "need to" and " have to". A very nice feeling!
Heavy load and baby teeth
After a trip to the grocery store and the drug store (to buy more energy powder for Baby E) I realised that even if I didnt buy much at the grocery store, the bag got heavy! I have a hook on the pram where I can hang the bag, and that almost made the pram tip over.
Baby E got his first teeth! A little suger grain in the lower jaw, so cute! I will try to take a pic of it. But as you know.. that is not a easy task!
Baby E got his first teeth! A little suger grain in the lower jaw, so cute! I will try to take a pic of it. But as you know.. that is not a easy task!
Full speed ahead
Baby E wakes up early in the morning (or at least I think so - for ME it is early!). He wakes up between 6 and 7, never after 7. 30. And it is full speed ahead! He "walks" if you hold him in his hands, he likes to climb everything, he likes to pull the cables. Watch out mommy! He crawles fast, he drooles so sometimes it looks like a slug have been in our livingroom. And remember he have a cold. I dont wanna know how its going to be when he is healty. Oh geez...
On the schedaule for today is a trip to the midwife to weight Baby E. And I have to buy some stuff for the thank you cards for the baptism.
On the schedaule for today is a trip to the midwife to weight Baby E. And I have to buy some stuff for the thank you cards for the baptism.
Yesterday I was supposed to meet the mum group for a cup of coffee in the sun, but since Baby E have a bad cold I decided not to meet them (we dont want the other babies to have this cold). I got a text message from a friend that wanted to take a walk in the beautiful, warm sun but - again we stayed at home.
As I told you we are selling our apartment to buy a town house. Yesterday the broker called me to say that he had a buyer that wanted to give us an offer. After some calls back and forth we said: YES! So. Today we are going to sign the contrakt. We have sold our home.
Today I was supposed to meet a dear friend (she is having her baby girl in may) to go to a preview of a movie, but as we are signing the contrakt (almost at the same time) I cant go. NOOOO! I wanted to see her, I wanted to see the movie!
OH! Btw. One of my friends had her baby boy last week! He is soo cute! I cant wait until we can go and see them.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our
As I told you we are selling our apartment to buy a town house. Yesterday the broker called me to say that he had a buyer that wanted to give us an offer. After some calls back and forth we said: YES! So. Today we are going to sign the contrakt. We have sold our home.
Today I was supposed to meet a dear friend (she is having her baby girl in may) to go to a preview of a movie, but as we are signing the contrakt (almost at the same time) I cant go. NOOOO! I wanted to see her, I wanted to see the movie!
OH! Btw. One of my friends had her baby boy last week! He is soo cute! I cant wait until we can go and see them.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our
Im up since 40 min. When you have a baby you dont get to sleep in the morning. Both Baby E and J still have a cold. J is tired and is still asleep. NOT Baby E. He is awake and happy.
Im hungry and thinking about making myself breakfast. Latte or tea? I should make tea since we only have coffee beans and no espresso beans.
Im usually to tired to eat at this time so Im debating with myself if its to much work to make the breakfast.
Im hungry and thinking about making myself breakfast. Latte or tea? I should make tea since we only have coffee beans and no espresso beans.
Im usually to tired to eat at this time so Im debating with myself if its to much work to make the breakfast.
My phone
I have to have a talk with my phone ( a red Xperia X10 mini Pro). Or should I say my calender. It tricked my yesterday! My phone said " summertime on sunday, dont forget to change the clocks!". Was it yesterday we was supposed to change the clock?? Noooo! It is in two weeks! What else is it gonna trick me with? Doctors appointments? Oh, gosh this technical gadgets.
Baby E and J has a bad cold. So J is home from work today. This means that I have two "sicklings" to take care of. My plans for today was a trip to the bank and a cup of coffee with a friend. Non of them is going to happend today.
Oh btw. After Baby E:s swimming session on saturday (he did good ) the whole family took a walk to our new house and back again. Two hours! A very sunny but windy day. To bad that it is very icy so you have to look where you put your foot down.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our
Oh btw. After Baby E:s swimming session on saturday (he did good ) the whole family took a walk to our new house and back again. Two hours! A very sunny but windy day. To bad that it is very icy so you have to look where you put your foot down.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our
Time for summertime
Swimming session
Today it is time for Baby E:s swimming session. We have no plans for the weekend, we will see what happends.