You got mail!

I miss the time when I had lots of pen pals all over the world. In Japan, Us, Germany, Singapore, Turkey, France and Australia among many. I do miss thoose girls and find myself thinking of them and wonder what became of them. Do they live their dream or did their life took the wrong turn somewhere.

I miss the letters (snail mails of course) that came. I miss writing the letters and sending small suprises with the envelope.
Today I get chain letters by email. I rarely get letters by snail mail nowdays. Maybe I have to get me some pen pals that wants to write letters by snailmail?

Today I got a letter (not a bill)! Yeay! But! When I took a look at it. It is a paper folden and taped together. That is not a nice letter. Why do I get a bad feeling about this letter? Is it because I never get letters with good news? It is bills or just letters from company that wants to inform me of something boooring.

Anyway back to the "letter". The address is written by hand. I try to see whats inside without opening it. (like a kid that is pinching and shaking the christmas presents to find out what in them).
It is another paper inside.. lined. Ok I will tear the letter up and find out what it is. Lets go.


funny pictures - Doing  nothing  is  very  hard  work. You  never  know  when  you're  finished.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our


Today it is sunny. It should be nice and warm outside, right? Is it nice outside? Sure if you have your winterclothes on. I was at the grocery store to buy some oil for Baby E:s food. I know I had both my mittens in the pram when I passed the vegetables. But when I had paid for the items and went out, I had lost one mitten! How on earth can I have lost it? Gosh, this irritates me much. They are not expensive or extraordinary in any way. But this means that I have to freeze when I go to the pharmacy to pick up food for Baby E.

I'm home, with cold hands (yes I went back to the store to see if I could find the mitten), I have more mittens at home so next time I dont have to freeze. I think I have to get me some of thoose ribbons to tie the mittens to the jacket - you know.. like kids have so they dont loose their mittens. Am I'm getting senile because I lost the mitten so easy?

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Some days you smile less

funny pictures - My Name is Inigo Montoya
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our

Public transportation

Need I say more? First, the subway was 2 minutes late. No problem, but that means that I missed my bus by 1 minute. And late in the evening the bus only runs 2 time / hour. Its cold and I have to wait 30 min. I start to walk to another busstop just to prevent myself from freezing. When the bus finally arrives, it is so full of people that I have to stand beside the driver. Luckily I hadn't Baby E with me. Good luck trying to get a pram onboard!

Oh well that was yesterday - today it is another day! Today Baby E has a swimming session today. Otherwise I have to take a walk (do I dare try the bus?) to go to the pharmacy to pick up food for Baby E.

Today it is time for this bun


Read about the bun here:



The day is called



You can read about a detective in swedish kids book that is called Ture Sventon (Sture Svensson) and he loves semlor,

but he calls them temlor (he have trouble pronouncing the letter S).

Here he is.




"Today it is a greeat day!" As doctor Cox in "Scrubs" said. It is sunny and just over 0 degrees C. I have the whole day infront of me. I have to go to a nearby kindergarten and apply for a place for Baby E. It is a waitinglist. God know how long!

Anyhow. Time for some breakfast, Im hungry. What about hot chocolate and a cheece sandwich?

See ya!

News for you

The news are that the family is moving. Again! We have bought a townhouse. This means bankmeetings, phonecalls, changing address and much more. This last two weeks have been crazy. We have to sell this apartment. That means that we have to take pictures of that so the brooker can sell it. That means cleaning and putting away stuff. You know how it is to sell a house or an apartment. Full speed ahead now.

Today I have to make several phonecalls. I just have to remember everyone I have to call.. Where is my pen and paper?

Oh well. This week is buzy. I love it. The townhouse is very nice. We have already made a list for everything we need to change. It is not much but you know.. we want different wallpapers (not on the computer!) and we need to buy a dryer. More about that later.

See ya!

Just a short post

Baby E has a swimming session today. Later the in-laws. I will update more later. It have been some crazy dayz.

Baby E

Baby E is 7 month today! Do you say happy birhday then? I think I wait until he is 1 yo.

We was at the hospital today, just a routine check-up on Baby E and a blood sample from me. In a month we will get the answers. have had problems with the server or somehing so yesterday the site was down. More updates today then!

Rise and shine!

Up early. No snoozebutton on Baby E. I woke up to the sound of baby babbling. So cute. Anyway. The mum group will be here in a couple of hours. I need to clean this place up a bit. Not that they care, but I do. It will be nice to see the youngsters again.

Need to rush now. Take care!

Buzy once again

The weekend have been crazy. I have had lots to do so I had little time (and energy) to blog.

On friday the in-laws were here to eat dinner . We had taco - it's ages since I ate that.

Baby E:s swimming session (on saturday) went well. He is good!

On sunday I went to a lecture about the codes and colours in the sami colt (dress). It was very interesting but soon I have to transcribing my notes.

Tomorrow Im gonna have the mum group here. Its been a while since we met. I hope everybody is healty.

Baby calls the shots

Baby E calls the shots here. He decides when and IF I get some sleep. He decides when and IF I gets any food. I mean.. who can sleep when a baby is crying or yelling? Can I eat if he cries? Sure I can, but it is not fun to sit and hear that. I do as many parents have done before me, I eat with the baby in may lap. It is not easy. It is a feat to do that. Just to keep the food on the spoon or the fork. To avoid arms that are like a windmill. Imagine that. And not to forget. To aviod getting a Danish skull.

Baby E is sleeping now. The electrician have done his work and left. I have to get going. Lots of things to do.

Bye for now.

Good Girl

Yesterday my sister in-law was here (they are renovating their kitchen) with her baby boy (Baby E:s cousin). And we took a long walk. Cold and not easy to walk with the pram in the snow (to much snow everywhere). Its not easy to go to the gym with a baby so a long walk is good. You dont need to go to a special place, no clock and the best part.. you dont have to remember what time to be somewhere. I would like to go to the gym today but my wrist is still sore and of course.. Baby E is sleeping and I dont want to wake him up.
So, the walk. I like to take walks with a friend so you can go and just talk shit. Walk alone is not as near fun. But you have to walk fast.. I dont like to walk slow and quiet. I like to walk in a speed that you get sweaty and get a pulse - but you still have to be able to talk without puffing! Anybody that wants to walk with me? I think I have this stepcounter.. but I doubt it works. I think its the battery. I have to remember to change it some day.

Oh btw - Im getting hungry just to talk about working out and long walks! Bbl - breakfast time!

To much going on

It does not matter how slowly you go
So long as you dont stop


Hurry, hurry! Today I have to clean up this place a bit. God mother is coming to dinner. Baby E have his swimming session and we have to change the livingroom table. It is a crack in it and we have already removed the legs and carried it and put in in the car. So we have no table in the livingroom. And after that we have to do some grocery shopping.

So hurry hurry!

A walk

I need to get out for a walk. My wrist hurts so I dont want to go to the gym, but I really need to do something. I think I overused my wrists when I had to drag the pram through all the snow in the blizzard last week. First it was under the thumb I had some pain, but now it is my whole arm - up to the elbow. It is mostly my right arm that hurst and Im right handed!

I think Im gonna see J for lunch - if he got the time. After that I hope to go to the recykling place to drop of some old hairspray cans. And yeah, I have to go to Mio and return a table (and get a new one).

Any tips for what to eat for dinner?


Baby E have had no apetite for the last week. He is eating but not much. We have been talking to a midwife and she said "As long as he is peeing, is alert and not loosing weight" its nothing to worry about. We (me and Baby E) went to the midwifes office to get his weight. We were lucky to meet the woman who will be his nurse. We talked to her about his "history" of tummyache and milk allergy. A very nice woman!

Now we are home and I have to make some phone calls and some house choirs. Between that.. some surfing the net!

What's up?

This is one of the day.s that I dont know what to do. My wrist hurst so I dont want to drag the baby pram in the snow, but I dont want to sit inside all day. It's a bit chilly so I have to have tons of clothes. I do want to eat lunch with my friend and I have some stuff I have to buy. I have to think about if for a couple of minutes. I get back to you.

Tuesday, plaster and mum group

My memory is hopeless sometimes. I have to write everything down (in my phone) and alwys bring the phone with me so I can check the calender. Today it was time for the mum group. For some weeks the "mum group day" have been cancelled due to sickness but today it was time! But of course I mixed up the days and thougt that it was tomorrow. Because of that I made plans for my sister in law to come here with her babyboy. He is only 8 weeks old! So cute! We made plaster prints of his feets and hands. Now the plaster form stands here to dry for a couple of days. We ate lunch and had a nice time and it is always nice to meet them. I hope that she can bring her daughter next time. Baby E likes (I think so anyway) to play with her. He looks at her with big eyes and his eyes follow her every step.

My plans for tomorrow? Maybe some workout at the gym. After that? Maybe a trip into Stockholm. It's been a while since. It's nice to feel the pulse of the city.

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