Cornelis Vreeswijk
Nice evening
We ate the sunday dinner at some friends place. For apetizer we got shrimps on bread. Very tasty! mmmmm (mmm marabou). For main course : quinoa, tomatoes from the owen and fried halloumi cheese (goat cheese, good for frying - made in cypus). Mmmmm so tasty.
After that we just sat and talked. A very nice evening!
Now we have to hurry. We have lots of things to do as we are going on vacation on wedsday.
See you later!
Today I have to do some laundry and cleaning. Baby E is fine and he is babbling all day long. He got two theeth in both upper and lower jaw. Guess if he can bite?
It's nice when he takes a nap, because then I can get some time infront of the pc. I have lots of phonecalls to make today and some papers to write.
This morning was grey and it rained, now it is pretty sunny and the day looks like its gonna be a nice day. Maybe a trip to a playground. We'll see.
Take care!
Take a walk!
Did somebody say a long walk? I didnt have a pedometer with me I have no clue how far we walked, but for sure it was a looong walk. We should do that more often.
Today I have been to Baby E:s nurse just to check up the weight and tomorrow we have an appointment with the dietician to talk about how we should introuce milk to Baby E.
Monday again
How to spend a hot day
Afterwards it's nice with a cracker
A day in the park
Today we spent the day in Blackebergs park, open pre-school grilled sausages. First there was a singing in the sandbox and after that we grilled. Babe E ate a whole sausage! He was so busy looking at all the kids that was running around that when we got home he was very tired. It was nice and sunny so we waded in the pool, Baby E had no swimmingpants so we couldnt sit in the pool.
If it's a warm sunny day tomorrow we might go to Nälsta swimming area to lie in the pool and if its a cloudy day we go to 4H nearby us.
Today? Not anymore quotes on the windows until thursday. But today I will take it slow, do some laundry and some other house choirs. Boring? Oh hell yes! The sun is peeping and I hope it will be a warm day. These last days have been a bit to chilly. Baby E is sleeping, the morning have been.. quite.. interesting. I woke up around 4 because Baby E was hungry. I woke up around 5.30 - and guess what the little boy had done? Ewww, just say that I had to change the sheets. Oh well, that what I have to get used to I guess.
What else? Baby E is climbing on everything he can, so now I cant have moving boxes infront of the stairs anymore to prevent him from getting up and falling down. He just climbs over the box and up the stairs. Lucky for us, a neigbour have a stairgate that he promised us to have (his house looks like ours). Thanks for that! I have to get them today.
Have a nice day!
11 month
Talking up a storm
Words and wordlike sounds are now spilling out of your baby, and he's able to use them meaningfully. As his brain continues to develop, so does his ability to reason and speak.
Encourage his interest in language and his understanding of two-way communication by being an avid listener and responding to his sounds. To polish his memory skills, play games like patty-cake and peek-a-boo.
At this age, your baby can probably imitate word sounds and inflections. He may be able to follow simple one-step directions, such as "Please bring me the ball" or "Pick up the spoon." Help him learn by separating multistep commands into easy-to-follow single steps, reinforcing them with gestures.
Remember to cherish this brief but remarkable period when your baby's communication skills are emerging: They're perhaps his most important skill!
Wonderful weekend
On sunday came F and Baby O so the baby boys could play. Of course we did some barbequing aswell! It was not sunny and warm, but no rain.
Today I have to get an appointment with the doctor because Baby E has lots of red dots all over. He is not sick, no fever or something but I want to check it out. When I first saw them yesterday there were many! Today not many at all so I think it is some kind of foodreaction. I hope is not allergy!
Today we are going to spend the afternoon and the evening with Baby E:s godmother. BBQ and lots of pictures from NYC. Oh that reminds me, I have to go to the grocery store and buy something to put on the grill.
Oh well, Baby E has already eaten breakfast and now it is my turn, but first I have to wake up my beloved husband.
Take care!
Home improvment
Baby E is sleeping now and I have to start cleaning up this place. I have tons of clean laundry to put back into the warderob. I have to vacuum and mop the floor. I have to put all the recycling bags in the car. And I know - I will not make all that during Baby E:s nap. After that I'm going to go to the postoffice and send a package. I wanted to go to 4H today, but it is a dark grey sky so I think we stay at home. Maybe a trip to the Open pre school if I can. A friend of mine asked me if I wanted to come and visit her today, but I have to much to do so I will go on monday.
I have to get going now, so much to do today!