Valentine's Day

14th of February

Are you going to something special today? Buy a nice gift for your loved one? Or do you have Valentines Day every day? Is Valentines Day just another figment of greedy businessmen?


After another bad night (hardly no sleep), me and Baby E got up. Its no use to just lie in bed when Baby E doesnt want to sleep. Im off to the dentist a bit later.. like in 2 hours. Im hungry but Im gonna wait until after the dentist to eat.
Oh yeah, I got ot remember to go to Baby E:s midwife or pedriatric nurse as they are called ( as a person informed that to me that a bit angry). Baby E got a new one since his "old" one moved on to another job.

Funny weekend

This weekend have been buzy! Saturday started with a swimming session for Baby E. A tired boy did his best to swim and dive. After that it was time for a birthday dinner for my sweet sister in-law. We spent the evening and night at the parents in-law so we could help them with their computer. The sunday was a sunny nice day. We just relaxed at the in-laws and worked with the computers.

Tomorrow it is time for the dentist. Very nice? I hope so.

Snow storm

It is a snowstorm outside (of course not inside!). And the busses are cancelled. The trains are few. It is not fun to drive in this snow. I drow J to work and I have to say it was easier then I had expected. Today I want to go to a mall to fix the last things for the weekend and Valentines Day.


The mum group was supposed to have a cup of coffee at L place. Unfortunatley Baby T have had fever during the night so we cancelled the meeting. Since Baby E was unhappy with everything I took a walk. Then I got the splendid idea to call one of the other mums to ask her if she wanted to take a walk. She wasnt at home at the time but she was on her way! So we decided to met up and go to her place to have a cup of coffee (just the two of us and our babies). Just so you know, it was M and Baby W. We had a nice time and Baby E got the opportunity to try the baby walker.

Today? Im gonna meet S and her Baby O. We are going to take a walk to BB and if Im lucky, I can eat lunch. Baby E is not a happy little camper today eighter. Im not sure if he is teething because he is whining and he is drooling worse then a dog!

Have a nice day!


Today Im gonna have a cup of coffee with the mum group. I hope everyone is healty today! Some of the mums (and babies) in the group have been sick very often and that is not fun!

Yesterday was one of thoose days that you keep thinking to yourself "do that", "do this" and you really never quite do that. I was going to post something on the blog, but I kept thinking "soon", "in a while" and " I will". Did I post anything? Noo, I didnt. But I will tell you now what I did. I met L with Baby T. We was supposed to workout but L had a cold so we took a walk instead. It is not fun or easy to push a stroller on the walkways now. It is slushy and wet. It takes forever to walk a short while and when you get there, you are all sweaty (and not in a good way!). After that we ate a nice sushi lunch.

Oh well. Its time to get something to eat, Im really hungry now. See you later!

A cold day

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Sunny warm and nice. I didnt use my winter jacket, instead I used a nice thin leather jacket. A nice skirt and nice boots. Today? Winter jacket and mittens on. I thought the spring was here!
Today we (me and Baby E) are going to be at home.

Tomorrow we are going to meet L and Baby T (we was supposed to workout, but L have a cold) for a walk and a lunch. After lunch Baby E:s cousing is comming for a quick visit. They (cousins family) are renovating their new house. I think we are going to make a plaster print of the babys feet and hands.

Sami National Day

Today is the Sami National Day.

Saturday Night Live

Todays scheduale

Baby E - swimming session

Friends over for dinner


I was at Ikea today. No, I didnt buy one thing. But my friend did. She is pregnat and she is preparing for the birth. But she managed to just buy the stuff on her list. If you ever been to Ikea you know that you always buy more stuff then you planned to.

Anyway. Im a buzzador and the  other day I received a package with creme for the baby. Bephanten. A very good creme that you use on the babys butt when it is read. You can also use it on dry parts on the skin and on your lips.  I have used this creme on Baby E since he was born (when needed) and I like it. The thing I like most is that it is very lasting. You only use a very small amount of creme and it is enough! Even if you dont have a baby you should try Bephanten because it is a very useful creme.

I will tell you about Buzzador. Beeing a Buzzador means that you have the privilege and the opportunity to try new products on the market. It can be skincare, foodsupplies, wake-up alarms or baby products. Some of the products can you share with your friends, some is just for you to try. If the products are supposed to be shared with friends you get samples to handle out and tell how you can use it.

Over and out for today. Any questions about the creme? Just ask me. I will tell you!


Today I went to paint up the plaster casts that I made before Christmas. I havent had the time to paint and pick ut up until now. First it was christmas, then it was new year and after that I had to plan for Thailand. And then -  Thailand. The weeks just fly by! When I got to the open preschool I found out that they was about to close for the day. I wanted to paint the casts there but instead I just picked it up. I can paint it at home - I think I have some paint. After that I went to the pharmacy to buy some new bottles for Baby E but they didnt had the kind I want so I have to go to another pharmacy.

Tomorrow is a buzy day! If I dont post anything tomorrow you know why. First Im going to workout, after that lunch with the mother in-law. After lunch Baby E have a doctors appointment. When we're done there I hope I can go and visit our friend L with Baby T.  Next week we are going to workout together (me, Baby E, L and Baby T) at Mother Core.


How on earth can the laundry basket be full again? I just did the laundry! Oh gosh.

Anyway, A lazy day today. Nothing more then beeing at home and do nothing.

Later I will show you some pictures from Thailand (baby stuff).

Baby Box

Today I picked up a box from Libero with stuff for Baby E.

Baby E is soon 6 month and it is because of that he gets this one.

Pull-up diapers, washclothes, bibs, lotion and washcreme, cd with lullabys and socks.

The rest of the day was just a "lazy day".

Btw. Im looking for this book. Anybody that knows where I can get it?

"Växa och upptäcka världen" - Hetty van de Rijt & Frans X Plooij

Long time since last update

It have been a long time since I updated my blog. Here it comes.

Wednsday we met the other mums for a cup of coffee. Very nice! We talked and had many good laughs.
Baby E had a swimming session where he "dived" for the first time. That means that I held him under his arms just like breast swimming. The I took eye contact and said "dive" and then gently put him under water for 2 seconds just like he should have taken a swim stroke and then up again. 2 times and he did good! He was not afraid and did not cry afterwards. Everything is on his terms. If he have a bad day - no dives.

Thursday we had a meeting with the doctor. After that we met up with J to fix new passports.

Friday we had another meeting with a doctor. 6 month control. Baby E is doing great. After that the grandparents picked us up and we went to see a exibithon of the paintings by Zorn. It was nice to see  the pictures!

On saturday it was time for a new swimming session. New dives. Baby E did great this time aswell and he seems to enjoy the divings - at least the swimming. We went to pick up the new passports that was complete.
After that the in-laws needed help with the computer.

Sunday was a cozy day. We was invited to see Baby E:s new cousin - Baby W. A cute baby boy. He slept the whole time and did not let anything wake him up - exept some food of course. A baby needs to eat sometimes. ;-)

Birthdaycounter Baby E 1 year

Mum group

It is time to see the mums and the little ones again! To bad that M and Baby I is sick. Yes, again! This time it is stomach flue. Poor hunnies!

After that Baby E has a swimming session ( he missed 2 sessions when we was in Thailand).

But now is Baby E sleeping so I have to make some phonecalls.

pictures from Thailand

I have promised you pictures from Thailand. Here they come.

Mean mosquitos

You find the same baby food all over the world!

Nice work! And this was the easy one! They made elephants too!

I love geckos!

A pink passport. Sorry to say that I cant keep it. It is an "emergency" passport.

35 degrees C in the air and 28 degrees in the sea. Tell me again, why do I stay in Sweden?

Back in Sweden

So we are back in Sweden. It is cold and dark. Not fun at all. We landed on saturday morning. The in-laws picked us up. The whole day we was tired and jetlagged. Sunday was a slow day, we really needed that to get back on track. Baby E is still on Bangkok time. But we slowly getting back. Today I will do some laundry and unpack all the bags. Later this week we have doctors appointments and the mum group are getting together for a cup of coffee. Very nice, I have been missing them (and the little ones).

Bangkok Airport

We are at Bangkok Airport. We have to wait 3.35 hours for the fligt. Or at least from when we arrive here from Krabi.
For you that havent been at this Airport, it is huge! Lots of fancy shops. Me wanna buy! Oh all the brands! The nice purses! I better close my eyes when I go by them!

Baby E is sleeping, we are sitting in the lounge and just relaxing, nice to get away from all the buzzing from all the people at the airport. I will show you some pictures later. Our flight from Bangkok to Frankfurt will take almost 12 hours. It will be early when we get to Frankfurt. And then we have to wait around 2 hours for the flight to Arlanda, Sweden. I hope we get some sleep during the night!

In 40 minutes

We will leave Nakara Longbeach Resort in 40 minutes for transfer to Krabi Airport. From there we will fly to Bankok. There we have to wait just over 3 hours for our flight to Frankfurt. From there to Arlanda, Sweden. I have heard that it is snow and - 6 degrees C. Can that be true? Here it is 33 degrees C and the sun is very hot. Just a nice breeze. I wanted to sit in the sun theese last hours, but it is to hot! If I could take a dip in the pool it wouldnt be a problem, but I cant pack a wet bikini and I dont have a shower. So I sit in the shade with my SO (he is also surfing) and a sleeping Baby E.

When I get home I will show you what the mean mosquitos have done, I will show you lots of pictures.

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