The whole day
Today we went to my storage to empty it. After that a trip to the recyklingstation with all the trash. After that I had to go to the realestateagen to leave the new key. After that, home for a quick dinner and after THAT a trip to the in-laws house to water the plants.
We bought a new sofa two weeks ago. Yesterday I picked up the right cushions for it. BUT we have to buy some smaller ones so I can sit properly when my baby arrives. And we have to buy a small table aswell. To the office we need one bookcase and two pedestals, one each.
Buzy day today. Tomorrow? Im invited to a group to discuss a babycarrier. 2 ½ hour will it take. Its in the evening. But what shall I do during the day? I dont want to be home, maybe my friend wants a visit. She got home today from the hospital where she did a gastric bypass. I think I take a quick visit. Buy her a magasin and some flowers. No candy or fruits since she is put on a liquid diet.
I forgot
I forgot to show you a dress I bought last week! How could I? This one but in pink. I bought it at Hennes & Mauritz.

Picture borrowed from H&M ShopOnline
Hot day
I really want a pool now! I want to be out in the sun and get a tan, I want to take a dip. But instead, what do I do? Laundry, cleaning, unpacking stuff - packing other stuff. No end of this shit. I have my icecream. Magnum Gold. Soo delicious!

Week 36
Yesterday I went into week 36! OMG it is soont time for the birth. Meeting with the midwife today. Just talking about what Im thinking about the childbirth. How I want it, if I wants any drugs, how my fiance wants it and if it is something special we want. Then she felt and measured the stomach. No problems there. We listen to the heart. Next time ( in two weeks) we're gonna take bloodsamples and my weight.
Week 36
The wrinkly, tiny fetus you may have seen on earlier ultrasounds has given way to an almost plump baby. There is fat on your baby’s cheeks, and powerful sucking muscles also contribute to your baby's full face. Your baby now weighs a little under 6 pounds (2,721 grams).
The bones that make up your baby’s skull can move relative to one another and overlap each other while your baby’s head is inside your pelvis. This phenomenon is called molding, and it helps the baby pass through the birth canal. Don't be surprised if your baby arrives with a pointy or misshapen head! After a few hours or days, your baby's head will be back to a rounded shape.

Your Body
Starting this week, you may begin to see your health care provider every week. Your doctor or midwife may give you an internal exam to determine if cervical effacement (thinning of the cervix) or dilation (opening of the cervix) has begun. You may experience engagement (also known as lightening), which is when the baby drops into the mother's pelvis in preparation for labor. Your appetite may return because the baby is no longer putting as much pressure on your stomach and intestines, and if you've been experiencing heartburn, the baby's descent may somewhat alleviate it.
J and I went to Ikea today to look at a desk for him. Lots of people! We also went to Mio (furniturestore) to look at a desk there too. J didnt find anything interesting. So now just relax for 2 hours and then go to my storage and pick up as much as we can, I have to empty it on wednsday. Nice sunny day. I rather have been at the beach but you cant have it all.
Thunder and lightning
Today I woke up to a big thunder, right after that some lightning. I just love thunder and lightning. I perfer to sit outside on the porsch and just enjoy the show. I dont know why but I have always loved thunder.
Wonderful dinner
We ate a wonderful dinner tonight. First a sandwich with lots of shrimps, after that porkfillet in rich short pastry with potatoe grilled in the owen. After that a dessert. Liqouricepanacotta with raspberry. Yummy! To bad that I cant show you any pictures. But I think you get the picture anyway!
Tofu for me
Yesterday a friend of J was here and as you might remember he is a vegan. I made tofu for dinner and I must say that it was pretty ok, Not good as a good piece of steak but good enough. The friend slept over and left early this morning to fly to Edmonton, Canada.
My sweet J woke me up with breakfast in bed! Latte, sandwich, juice, strawberries, fried egg and potatoe. It was nice to take it easy and do have to get up and make yourself breakfast!
What I will do today? Just relax and have a nice day in the sun. My baby (unborn) is sleeping so Im fine. Hot but fine.
Tomorrow? We have to pick up the last stuff in my storage, I have to empty it before 1st of July. Sunday? Go to the store and look for a desk for my sweetheart so he have somewhere to put his computer. (VERY important) Haha
Today it
Midsommar. Time for good food, I rather do some bbq, but this year I have to use the fryingpan. Good enough.
Have a nice day folks!
Duck Face
Early morning
Im not a morningperson. I like to be up late at night. Always liked that. But nowdays! I usually get up before 8.30 but it is kinda nice, the days feels longer and I acctually do lots more stuff everyday then I do when I sleep until 9 or 10.
Today a friend for J is comming here. He is vegan. What do u feed a vegan expept for salad? Quorn contains eggs so that is out of the question. So I decided to make root vegetables in the owen and rosted tofu. Just hope that it is eatable.
But now it is time for something to eat, a shower and some vacuum-cleaning. When you have cats, you have lots of dust-bunnies as well. And those dust-bunnies is not to play with! Horrible things they are!
It's sunny outside, it is warm and I love it! I love to just wander around in the city and watch all the people that is sitting outside and enjoying the sun. I love to be in the country and just sit in the garden and just enjoy the sun myself. Almost everyone in sweden I know love this. I have been talking to people that lives in sunny countries and they dont appreciate the sun in the same way we in Sweden do. Is this because they have it like this everyday? They are laughing when they see all the white whales on the beach ( white tourists), and think we are ridiciolous that sits in the sun like that. BUT I also have been talking to people that lives in Sweden since many years that comes from very sunny countries, and they do the same thing as we! Turn their face against the sun and just smiles! They too want to undress and just sit in the garden and relax in the sun!
Is this because of the dark long wintermonths? I think so! We really need the sun when it is visiting us, so we do whatever we can to get a little bit of it.
Anyway. I think this is going to be a good day. I have to buy a little thing for a baby that soon is going to be baptised.
This was me this morning
There are construction workers outside our building every day. But this was me today.

see more
Lolcats and funny pictures
Me as this cat hate cameras
Tired as hell
Im very tired today. But it is sunny outside. I went to the bicykle storage where my bike was to pick it up, I ride it home and it was nice but my "little" belly was in the way.
Lots of laundry today and putting things away. I want to take a turn to the second hand help store to leave some stuff that we dont wanna keep. But I think I do it tomorrow instead.
Im very tired today. Soon Im off to meet a friend for lunch/coffee. Maybe a turn in a shoppingmall. Not that I need to buy anything but just to have something to do. After that Im gonna pick up my bicykle, I hope I dont have a flat tire.
week 35
Im now in week 35. Time is rushing by. I always think " its a long time until im due, its no rusch" , but soon it is! Im still fine, no pain, no sickness no nothing, it is just the belly that is getting bigger and soon forces me to stop driving.
I guess nobody have missed that our beloved Crown Princess Victoria got married today. She was very beautiful.
So tell me?
Thunder and lightning
After a day of thunder and lightning it is time for dessert. Mmmm

Im awake now. I rather be asleep but I couldnt. Today is even more unpacking stuff, carry stuff to the attickstorage and trying to take it easy. The baby is having aerobics and we are hungry.
This is today
Todays errands
Im very tired today. I wanted to workout today, but I dont think I manage to make it all the way to the gym. I have to eat something and then I have to leave some paper at my work. After that I will see.
The baby is just fine, aerobic seems to be the deal today. Its good, that means a healthy baby ( I guess).
Today it is a very sunny day. Good because I have a lunchdate. Im very tired today because of the buzy day yesterday but I will try to put up a happy face today.
About the midwife yesterday. I only have 3 apointments left before im due! That is not long at all!! All the bloodsamples where good, bloodpressure a little bit low but good. Belly is betting bigger and the baby is just fine. This time he didnt kick the midwife, good baby. Last time he kicked her. But I lot a kg which J (my SO) didnt like. So now I have to put up with a feeder.
New couch
Yesterday was a very buzy day! First the midwife. Everything is just fine. Lost 1 kg instead of gaining. After that it was time for the craftsmen to put up our new blinds. Maybe now our apartment turn from a sauna to a nice apartment. When the craftsmen left I had some phonecalls to make. I called about our new couch that was supposed to get to the store last week. Did it do that? Nooo! It turns out that they forgot our order! We got another couch and brought it home and put it together. So now we have something to sit in when we watch bad movies.
Photoshop disasters
Remember the time when digital camera didnt exist? When you saw how the picture turned out when you deveoped it? Nowdays you can see if its a good picture on the spot. Before you could cut off peoples head without knowing it. And other disasters like that. Now, when you can see the picture at once and when everybody retuoching pictures you shouldnt make this mistakes.

picture taken from
Or what do you say?
Week 34
So. Its not long time left of my pregnancy. Yesterday it was time for week 34, or 8 month pregnant. Just 6 weeks left. Still no problems. No sickness, no pain or any other problems. Easy peasy pregnancy. Lets hope the birth is as easy as this! I wish!
Time for food
The day starts with a bowl with strawberries, cold milk and a ham sandwich. So delicious! Maybe a trip into city later. Tomorrow the midwife.
A friend over for the weekend
So, the internet is finally working. But I dont have the time to sit here and enjoy it. A friend of mine is over for the weekend, and we said "no shops". Guess twice what we did? Yes shops. And more tomorrow. Nice to see her anyway. Long time no see.
My pregnancy is just fine. Belly is getting bigger and is getting crowdy in there. Every move the baby does, I notice. No complaints though!
Still no internet
Sorry for the bad update. No internet and no tv. And Im trying to unpack all the boxes AND tries to find somewhere to put everything. Not an easy job. Stuff keeps disappearing! And how easy is it to find stuff in a kaos?

see more
Lolcats and funny pictures
National Day of Sweden!
Happy Birthday to me!
Friday, June the 4th
Today it is time to move. Already picked up the new key. Moved almost all our clothes. Later today we are going to move almost all the furnitures.
Tomorrow? More moving. BUT later birthdaycake for the birthday girl! ME! How old I am? Lets say, hm, 25? That sounds about right. Take care hunnies, I'll be back when I got the time and the internet.
A brand new day
It is wonderful to wake up to the birds singing, see the sun through the blinds and know that you dont have to rush to get ready for the day. Just lie in bed for a moment. Even better if the SO is still in bed next to you. The only thing I miss right now is our cuddly cats. But they will be here tomorrow. Our three furry babies. The baby in my belly is just fine. Rumbling around and having fun.
Today its is supersunny. Sat outside as much as I could. Time to pack stuff soon. On friday we get our keys to the new apartment.
On tuesday I had a meeting with my midwife. Everything is fine with my baby. Heartrate is 152 heartbeats /min. Good boy! Bellymeasurment 31 cm. As it should be. Im in
week 32 now. (31 full weeks and 3 days or 31+3 as the midwife says).

Later today we went to the parents in-laws to talk about the weekend.
I have to update you
On monday I had this course at the midwifeoffice. We talked about breastfeeding. Good to know.
After that I had lots of phonecalls to make about the weekend and the movingstuff. Buzy day.
I love this quote
Something to think about
It's not always sunshine,
but not all clouds are grey