Doctor and sushi
The day started with a phone call from the doctor. "Can you be here at 10 am?" Sure I said. And looked at the watch ok 2 hours. No problemo. Sure! I forgot. The damn subway didnt run. So instead of subway all the way I had to change to bus halfway.
What the doctor said? Baby E cant eat cow's milk. That means I cant eat cow's milk. That is why Baby E have had tummyache. But otherwise everything was fine.
After that I met mother in-law to eat lunch. Sushi. I love the miso soup you get at the restaurant. Not the one you buy at the store.

Then it was time to go home with poor Baby E. When I got home I got a textmessage. Our shoe cabinet had arrived so I drove to pick it up. Lets see when we put it up.

Keep safe!
What the doctor said? Baby E cant eat cow's milk. That means I cant eat cow's milk. That is why Baby E have had tummyache. But otherwise everything was fine.
After that I met mother in-law to eat lunch. Sushi. I love the miso soup you get at the restaurant. Not the one you buy at the store.

Then it was time to go home with poor Baby E. When I got home I got a textmessage. Our shoe cabinet had arrived so I drove to pick it up. Lets see when we put it up.

Keep safe!
We all have had Mr Snuggies
Doctor, lunch and shopping
Thte doctor was pleased with Baby E. The only thing was that he needs to gain more weight. What the scale showed? 4040 gr. Flyweight.
Me and my friend had a nice time today. First we ate lunch and todays choice was Tacos. After that we did some shopping.
Then it was time to go home. THEN I realized that my cellphone was almost out of batteries. Good luck for me they lasted until I met J. We was hungry so we went to Mcdonalds to eat.
Keep safe!
Me and my friend had a nice time today. First we ate lunch and todays choice was Tacos. After that we did some shopping.
Then it was time to go home. THEN I realized that my cellphone was almost out of batteries. Good luck for me they lasted until I met J. We was hungry so we went to Mcdonalds to eat.
Keep safe!
2 month and Doctors appointment
Baby E is 2 month today. Hurray!
Today Baby E is gonna meet his doctor. Its just a routine examination so its not to worry. After that its a lunchdate with a friend of mine.

Today Baby E is gonna meet his doctor. Its just a routine examination so its not to worry. After that its a lunchdate with a friend of mine.

Somewhere to put the shoes
Todays choir:
I just want to lie in the couch and watch some movies.
Keep safe!
- Laundry
- Shoe cabinet
I just want to lie in the couch and watch some movies.
Keep safe!
We got presents!
How come that when Baby E go to a party, he comes home with presents? This time he got this:

On a birthday party you have to have a fishpond!
The birthdaygirl had a fishpond and Baby E got the Lion and the baby. He also got the book in the pond.

Me and J got this:

Keep safe!

On a birthday party you have to have a fishpond!
The birthdaygirl had a fishpond and Baby E got the Lion and the baby. He also got the book in the pond.

Me and J got this:

Keep safe!
So this is how its gonna be? Baby E is invited to a birthdayparty. Again. But since both he and the birthdaygirl is young (she is only 2yo) its mostly for the grown-ups. How many birthdaypartys is Baby E gonna be invited to? I dont think he cares yet. As long as he gets food, a dry diaper and a blanket he dont mind anything. He still sleeps many hours a day. But not in the morning. This morning he was not happy.
We had plans to buy this wooden plats to put on the balcony and buy a cabinet for shoes to have in the hallway. Nothing! I think I fix that tomorrow. Everything is tomorrow nowdays.
Btw. I read in the news that somewhere in sweden there have been a snowstorm. A snowstorm! Lots of snow! Now? Nooooo!! I want summer. I have to move.
Oh well. I have to get ready.
Keep safe!
We had plans to buy this wooden plats to put on the balcony and buy a cabinet for shoes to have in the hallway. Nothing! I think I fix that tomorrow. Everything is tomorrow nowdays.
Btw. I read in the news that somewhere in sweden there have been a snowstorm. A snowstorm! Lots of snow! Now? Nooooo!! I want summer. I have to move.
Oh well. I have to get ready.
Keep safe!
Today was one of thoose days when we just stayed in bed way to long, but it was soo nice. I got up and made us brunch. We didnt hurry today, just took the day as it came. Very nice. We had some plans but they changed as we went along. We didnt plan to got to Bromma Blocks today. Guess where we ended up? More then us was checking up BB because the shops had good deals. Guess what happends when shops have good deals? Hard to find a parking lot. And ONE word describes it all. TRAFFIC JAMS! Cars everywhere. Honking cars. But to what cause? Even if they honk, you cant move and cant drive anywhere.
We didnt stay that long, its not fun to be there when its so crowded everywhere so we headed to the grandparents (Baby E:s) and helped them with their pc. Ate a nice dinner and went home for way to much candy and crisps.
I hope you had a nice sathurday.
Keep safe!
We didnt stay that long, its not fun to be there when its so crowded everywhere so we headed to the grandparents (Baby E:s) and helped them with their pc. Ate a nice dinner and went home for way to much candy and crisps.
I hope you had a nice sathurday.
Keep safe!
Harry Potter fan
I admit. Im a Harry Potter fan. I love the books, the movies and the tvgames. But no, Im not a fan of Daniel Radcliffe (he plays Harry). Soon its time for the last movie.
I have to see it - even if I have to see it alone.
Keep safe!
Mystery of a cats mind
Today Im gonna do some scrapbooking with my mother in-law. As soon as me and Baby E is ready we are going to do some choirs before the scrapbooking.
A day with friends
Today I had a cup of tea with a neighbour. A very nice girl, or girl - what do you call a lady with 2 kids (she is under 40 years old)?
After that it was time to meet a girl that had her baby boy 2 weeks after me. I got to know her on one of this pages for parents. We took a walk and ended it with a lunch. Very nice. I hope we can do it again soon.
Then I met up the sister to Baby E godmother. We strolled around and looked for a small candle holder with a suction cup that you can put on your wall. No sucess.
Since its thursday we ate split pea soup.
This is all for today. Tomorrow is another day.
Keep safe!
After that it was time to meet a girl that had her baby boy 2 weeks after me. I got to know her on one of this pages for parents. We took a walk and ended it with a lunch. Very nice. I hope we can do it again soon.
Then I met up the sister to Baby E godmother. We strolled around and looked for a small candle holder with a suction cup that you can put on your wall. No sucess.
Since its thursday we ate split pea soup.
This is all for today. Tomorrow is another day.
Keep safe!
A day in the city
Today me and Baby E went to eat lunch with J. A nice sunny day - and guess what? The day turned out to me a warm sunny day!
I bought some stuff for Baby E.

And some mould and plaster so we can make footprints and handprints.

And when I got home. I had two package in the mail!

And for Baby E. A present. Again.

The mother of a dear friend to me made theese.
What happends tomorrow?
I bought some stuff for Baby E.

And some mould and plaster so we can make footprints and handprints.

And when I got home. I had two package in the mail!

And for Baby E. A present. Again.

The mother of a dear friend to me made theese.
What happends tomorrow?
- Coffee with a neighbour. Always nice to get to know new friends.
- A walk and another coffee with a girl that had her baby boy 2 weeks after me.
- More shopping with the sister to Baby E:s godmother (from now on called A.G)
A good day
Today it is very sunny. It takes me back to Phuket, Thailand. When we was there it was rainy season. That means that it is not sunny. Oh yeah, depends what you compares with! It is very sunny and warm compared to the same day in Sweden! Like 31 degrees C. Anyway. I stood inside the hotelroom and watched the beach, it was kinda windy and I remember that I was thinink that it had to med chilly outside because of the wind. I stepped outside on our balcony. And It was hot and moist.
I had the same feeling today. When Im inside and looking outside - it looks very warm and nice outside. But acctually, when I went outside to drive J to the subwaystation, it was kinda chilly - not as nice as it looks like! Totally wrong of me!
So. Our family are going to travel somewhere in january. Someplace hot, sunny and hopefully cheap. We have been to Thailand and Egypt. Where now? Mauritius? Australia? Dominic Republic? Anybody that have any suggestions?
Have a nice day folks, we're out of here now!
Btw. Baby E says hello! Or not, but you get the picture.

Keep safe!
I had the same feeling today. When Im inside and looking outside - it looks very warm and nice outside. But acctually, when I went outside to drive J to the subwaystation, it was kinda chilly - not as nice as it looks like! Totally wrong of me!
So. Our family are going to travel somewhere in january. Someplace hot, sunny and hopefully cheap. We have been to Thailand and Egypt. Where now? Mauritius? Australia? Dominic Republic? Anybody that have any suggestions?
Have a nice day folks, we're out of here now!
Btw. Baby E says hello! Or not, but you get the picture.

Keep safe!
I like to eat sprouts so yesterday i bought a tray for the sprouts to grow in. Me like!

What to do on a rainy day?
Lets see, what can you do on a rainy day?
Im sure you can come up with more ideas. The plan for today is:

Keep safe!
- Read a book
- Workout
- Ironing your clothes
- Vacuum and mop
- Repot your plants
- SHOP (internet or in shops)
- Go swimming
- Take the car to a garage and clean it inside
- Scrapbooking
- Watch some movies
- Bake
Im sure you can come up with more ideas. The plan for today is:
- Eat lunch with my sweetheart
- Return or borrow again a language course
- Put some letters in the mailbox
- Make sure I have everything I need for scrapbooking on friday

Keep safe!
A walk in the sun
The day did not start good. Baby E was not happy at all. I had planned to do lots of things in our apartment. But that failed completley. When Baby E finally fall asleep and I could do some of my tasks on my list, the sun is peeping through the clouds - so bye for now - we're out of here for a walk in the sun!
Election Day
Today was a lazy day. Whole Sweden went to the polling both today. We have to take your responsibility and vote! Not just complain. Later today (read now) we have to watch the tv to see who won. Exiting, huh?

Around 2 we went to J brother because it was his birthday. We got so much good stuff to eat (we always get good food there!). Baby E:s cousin A is so cute, she learns very quickly. I told her that Baby E cant eat gingerbreadcookies because he is a baby and got no theeth,he can only eat forumula . She got all quiet, and after a while she said " Baby E is a baby and got no theeth, he cant eat cookies. He eats formula".

Around 2 we went to J brother because it was his birthday. We got so much good stuff to eat (we always get good food there!). Baby E:s cousin A is so cute, she learns very quickly. I told her that Baby E cant eat gingerbreadcookies because he is a baby and got no theeth,he can only eat forumula . She got all quiet, and after a while she said " Baby E is a baby and got no theeth, he cant eat cookies. He eats formula".
Godmother visit
Yesterday was Baby E:s godmother here for a visit. We ate dinner (not Baby E) and had a nice time. So nice that the busses had stop running! She had to take a cab home.

* 1995-06-01 † 2010-09-16
We love you and will always remember you. R.I.P dear Milo.
Today Im gonna take my precious cat Milo to the vet. He has been loosing so much weight latley so you can feel the hipbone. Not good. What more today? Return the damn lamps. And trying to vacuum.
Lunch and shopping
Today me and Baby E went into city to eat lunch with J. Or Baby E didnt eat lunch, I did. We bought a pair of sneaker to J. After that J had to go back to work. Me and Baby E went shopping.
This is what I bought:

Baby E didnt get anything today. He have enough clothes. Or not. He needs some more nightclothes and soon some winterclothes.
This is what I bought:

Baby E didnt get anything today. He have enough clothes. Or not. He needs some more nightclothes and soon some winterclothes.
Sundays choir
Today we went to the recycling station to throw away some junk. After that we went to buy a coffee machine. And guess what? J had checked out a machine that he wanted, and when we got there, a guy took the last one just before us! Infront of our eyes! Grr.. Oh well, we picked another one. The difference is that the one we wanted is stainless steel and the one we bought is black.

Yesterday we went shopping. We was supposed to buy clothes and shoes for J but of course we couldnt resist buying things for Baby E.

After that we went to J parent to eat dinner. Very nice.

After that we went to J parent to eat dinner. Very nice.
Am I gonna be like this now??
We all know who mums are. They nag and never leave you alone. So.. Is this my future?
Who said cats dont like water
Todays phonecalls
Today I feel good. I have made lots of phonecalls. It went very well, more then I have expected. I hate phone hours. They have ONE hour each day (some of them just certain days!) and you always have to wait for hours (feels like that anyway). A brisk voice in the phone tells you " you have pandemic xx". We now have xx operates that is answering the phones.
Astrid Lindgrens hospital for children
As you know, Baby E hasnt been quite well for some days. So. Yesterday I went to Astrid Lindgrens hospital for children. At check in a nurse brought him to a room to take his temperature. Guess who did NOT like that. (You know the one you take in ur butt?) Somebody gried his eyes out. When we meet the doctor, he examined Baby E and after that a nurse took some blood samples. Guess who cried and yelled again? Yepp poor Baby E!

He got a little band aid on his toe. Not a happy little camper here.
Everything is fine. No infektion. Proberly just some stomachache, not unusally for small kids.
I was afraid that we had to sit for HOURS at the E.R. at Astrid Lindgrens hospital. But lucky us. Only 15 min wait from when we did the check in until we got a examnroom. Wonder if they put him first in line because he is only 5 weeks old ( ok soon 6 weeks).

He got a little band aid on his toe. Not a happy little camper here.
Everything is fine. No infektion. Proberly just some stomachache, not unusally for small kids.
I was afraid that we had to sit for HOURS at the E.R. at Astrid Lindgrens hospital. But lucky us. Only 15 min wait from when we did the check in until we got a examnroom. Wonder if they put him first in line because he is only 5 weeks old ( ok soon 6 weeks).
Baby sitter
I have bought a babysitter for baby E! Expensive but good.

Its not just a ordinary sitter. This one swings back and forth in different speed. You can also play "heartbeats" and music from your Ipod. All for the baby.

Its not just a ordinary sitter. This one swings back and forth in different speed. You can also play "heartbeats" and music from your Ipod. All for the baby.
Bad update
Sorry for the bad update. Eddie is not feeling well so I dont have much time to sit here. I get back later if I can. And dont worry, he is not seriously sick
tired, midwife and housechoirs
Baby E didnt sleep well last night and he didnt sleep well this night. He have been sad for two days now, maybe tummyache. BUT this means that he doesnt sleep well during the day eighter. AND that means that I cant get anything done. Soon its time for the midwife and I had hoped to vacum the whole apartment before. So far? A shower. I hope to get some clothes on before I go to the bus. First I had planned to walk to her ( around 40 min walk) but I think I take the bus (10 min). I have other things to waste my time on. I planning to write a list with things I plan to do for the rest of the week. No, Im not gonna wite down washingmachine, dishwashing and stuff like that. But things like my walk-in closet. That needs to be organised. My shoes. Stuff I have to put in the storage. Stuff I have to take to the recyklingstation, stuff I have to take to the second-hand store.
Yesterday I drove my mother to the airport. She dont fly often so I had to help her check in and help her to the safteycontrol desk. After that she is on her own. She called me when she got home and everything had gone well. Now she wanna fly next time she is gonna visit us.

See ya soon!
Yesterday I drove my mother to the airport. She dont fly often so I had to help her check in and help her to the safteycontrol desk. After that she is on her own. She called me when she got home and everything had gone well. Now she wanna fly next time she is gonna visit us.

See ya soon!
Baked potatoe
Our little family is just fine. We are planning (well not Baby E, he just wanna sleep and eat) to buy a cabinet where we can put or fine wineglasses. After that we're off to Netonnet to buy a laptop to the inlaws. Their laptop sucks.
Would you have something to drink?
New drinks in my cabin.

The night was good (Baby E slept) but around 4 he woke up and was sooo sad, I changed the diaper, fed him and hugged him, but nothing could comfort him. So what is left to do? Go to bed, put the baby on top of you and just sleep. And guess what? That was what he needed! He slept like a baby (haha how funny am I?!) the rest of the night.
The day is lazy. Im gonna fax a paper, buy some flower from my aunt to my in-laws. And after that dinner with the in-laws. Dear J is tired after his first week at his new job. On top of that, he needs to do some research to learn more to be able to do is job properly.
The day is lazy. Im gonna fax a paper, buy some flower from my aunt to my in-laws. And after that dinner with the in-laws. Dear J is tired after his first week at his new job. On top of that, he needs to do some research to learn more to be able to do is job properly.
More presents
Now I can show you the rest of the presents Baby E got. 
This is from his grandmother (my in-law).

This is from my cousin that lives far up north. Sheep wool pelt is warm during cold days and cool during warm days - but I guess you already knew that, right?

This one is from J aunt.
Baby E already got a huge collection of stuffed animals.
First one from daddy
White one from grandparents
The tall one from cousin A
The dog from a friend to mommy ( E got in on his babyshower, not even born then )
Last one from grandmother (from now on called Marmor )
And I know that more presents is on its way! How crazy can it get?

This is from his grandmother (my in-law).

This is from my cousin that lives far up north. Sheep wool pelt is warm during cold days and cool during warm days - but I guess you already knew that, right?

This one is from J aunt.
Baby E already got a huge collection of stuffed animals.

First one from daddy
White one from grandparents
The tall one from cousin A
The dog from a friend to mommy ( E got in on his babyshower, not even born then )
Last one from grandmother (from now on called Marmor )
And I know that more presents is on its way! How crazy can it get?
Its funny to hear my mother "sing" to Baby E. She doesnt sing any real song, she only goes "la la la la". But hey, I dont think Baby E mind. He's to little to understand. I let my mother "sing".
Whats up today? I think about showing my mother G:a Stan (Old city). We'll see. Tomorrow? A trip to the in-laws. I have to buy some flowers to them from my aunt.
Well Im off to the fridge now. Hungry, hungry me! (from an episode of the Simpsons where Homer has tied himself up outside the local arena, he is going on a hungerstrike).
Whats up today? I think about showing my mother G:a Stan (Old city). We'll see. Tomorrow? A trip to the in-laws. I have to buy some flowers to them from my aunt.
Well Im off to the fridge now. Hungry, hungry me! (from an episode of the Simpsons where Homer has tied himself up outside the local arena, he is going on a hungerstrike).
Vasa Museum
As my mother is visiting us I wanted to show her the beautiful Stockholm. Today we went to Vasa Museum (after she made around 70 cinnamonbuns).
It was the first time my mother went underground and tram.

She didnt care about the canons or stuff like that. She only wanted to take pictures of the ship. As if she knew anybody that was onboard.
It was the first time my mother went underground and tram.

She didnt care about the canons or stuff like that. She only wanted to take pictures of the ship. As if she knew anybody that was onboard.
Baby E
How much presents can a baby get? Even more clothes!

This hat is from J aunt. She lives in the north of Sweden and missed Baby E:s birth just by an inch.

The dress is from my cousin.

He also got this pants from her.

From grandmother.

Dear daddy couldnt resist bying this to Baby E. They are WAY to big, but cute as h***.

Baby E got more clothes but they are in the washingmachine so I show you them tomorrow if I remember. (my memory is not at the best right now - for some reason).

This hat is from J aunt. She lives in the north of Sweden and missed Baby E:s birth just by an inch.

The dress is from my cousin.

He also got this pants from her.

From grandmother.

Dear daddy couldnt resist bying this to Baby E. They are WAY to big, but cute as h***.

Baby E got more clothes but they are in the washingmachine so I show you them tomorrow if I remember. (my memory is not at the best right now - for some reason).
Its soon winter. I hope we dont get much snow this winter, it was terrible last winter - not so much the snow, but the lack of knowledge and planning of the plowing. Stockholm sucks at that. Same thing every year. "Snow? What is that?"
I want summer! I want 25 degrees C heat. I want to be able to walk aroun in nice shoes, a nice skirt and a blouse. I do not like to have a warm jacket, because you always sweat like hell at the subway. They NEVER have the right temperature in the wagons.
But oh well, winter have its good sides. Snowmobiles, skiing and snowboard.
I want summer! I want 25 degrees C heat. I want to be able to walk aroun in nice shoes, a nice skirt and a blouse. I do not like to have a warm jacket, because you always sweat like hell at the subway. They NEVER have the right temperature in the wagons.
But oh well, winter have its good sides. Snowmobiles, skiing and snowboard.
Mother visiting
My mother is visiting us this week. That combined that Im very tired after everything Im not blogging so much. But I promise you pictures.