Hello Kitty ferrari
My SO:s birthday is comming up soon. Time for birthdayshopping! Of course I cant show you what I bought him just yet. But as soon as he have open them up I show you. You have to be patient and wait about 10 days, long time I know.
Anyway, I was looking for something totally different when I found this.. and if I could - I would buy it for his birthday. But see you later.
Anyway, I was looking for something totally different when I found this.. and if I could - I would buy it for his birthday. But see you later.
Im at work right now and something just strucked me. It is amazing how you meet new friends. When I first started on this job, me and the girl that was learning me what I should do here sat and talked. She started to talk about her cats. We talked more during the day and realised that we "clicked". And girl - you know who you are.
Couple of weeks later she invited me to a wine and cheese evening. Very nice evening indeed! And when a friendship starts like this? Good food and a glass of wine, who know how long the friendship is going to last? And I promise you, this evening is not going to be onetimeevent. Im a fan of horror. Movies, tvgames, pcgames etc etc.
And guess what? My friend is also a fan of horror. Her favorite tvgame is Resident Evil. So is mine. How good can it get? She have xbox and Resident Evil 5. I am sooo gonna visit her and play! And if that wasnt enough.. Im gonna make her play with me. But dont tell her that. Anyway, we are gonna have a movienight (maybe without boys) and just watch horrormovies and eat good stuff.
Couple of weeks later she invited me to a wine and cheese evening. Very nice evening indeed! And when a friendship starts like this? Good food and a glass of wine, who know how long the friendship is going to last? And I promise you, this evening is not going to be onetimeevent. Im a fan of horror. Movies, tvgames, pcgames etc etc.
And guess what? My friend is also a fan of horror. Her favorite tvgame is Resident Evil. So is mine. How good can it get? She have xbox and Resident Evil 5. I am sooo gonna visit her and play! And if that wasnt enough.. Im gonna make her play with me. But dont tell her that. Anyway, we are gonna have a movienight (maybe without boys) and just watch horrormovies and eat good stuff.
Back without tooth
My visit with the dentist went well. One tooth and some money less Im home. Im hungry and Im not supposed to eat any firm food for around a week. So it is cream and milk for me. Maybe I make myself a smoothie too. But I shall not complain. I dont have any pain at the moment.
Away with the tooth
Yesterdays training was good. Today I tried to focus on speed instead of strength. To bad it is only 80 minutes of training. Good to vary yourself! I will get back to you with pictures.
Soon it is time to go to the hospital to remove the tooth. I have lots of painkillers at home just in case. But I do hope I wont need all of them. In about 2 hours Im gonna lie in the dentistschair. Dont get me wrong, Im not afraid of the dentist. But still.. who wants to pull a tooth? So, see you in a couple of hours.
Soon it is time to go to the hospital to remove the tooth. I have lots of painkillers at home just in case. But I do hope I wont need all of them. In about 2 hours Im gonna lie in the dentistschair. Dont get me wrong, Im not afraid of the dentist. But still.. who wants to pull a tooth? So, see you in a couple of hours.
The day before
Tomorrow Im gonna take out a wisdomtooth. I have to go the hospital to do it. I have had problems with this tooth for about seven month. 2 pencillin cures because of infektion. So it is time for it to go! Im gonna go to the hospital at 9.15. After that .. pain and no firm food for a week. Just soup and yoghurt. Talk about diet! Maybe I sould try watercrassesoup like the Hollywoodstars eat. Ewww.. or not!
Anyway, since Im not allowed to train or lift heavy for a week or 10 days, Im gonna train box today. And Im gonna workout harder tonight then I usually do. And go to bed before 23. That is nothing I usually do because I like beeing up late at night. I have never been a morningperson but I have no trouble beeing up until 1 am.
So tomorrow.. say something in comments to me. I will be at work 8-17 but I will bring my precious laptop with me. Thats the beauty with my work.
Anyway, since Im not allowed to train or lift heavy for a week or 10 days, Im gonna train box today. And Im gonna workout harder tonight then I usually do. And go to bed before 23. That is nothing I usually do because I like beeing up late at night. I have never been a morningperson but I have no trouble beeing up until 1 am.
So tomorrow.. say something in comments to me. I will be at work 8-17 but I will bring my precious laptop with me. Thats the beauty with my work.
End of the day
Went into central Stockholm to leave the dinner my so forgot at home. Didnt shop anything. I promise! Then I speeded up straight to the gym. Time for Kibox, I do love it! Boxing and kickning for 90 minutes. Afterwards I felt good. It is always nice to work your body hard. Love to feel that burning feeling in my muscles.
Back home I have to refill the energyreserves. Scones with cheese, a tomatoeslice and some hot red tea. Good work!
But, and this is not a good feeling, I think I might have a cold comming up. I feel that in my body - Im not as strong today as I usually am. Hold your thumbs that Im not getting that damn cold. Or should I say.. a cold is ok.. the SWINEFLU is NOT ok!
Ok Later folks!
Back home I have to refill the energyreserves. Scones with cheese, a tomatoeslice and some hot red tea. Good work!
But, and this is not a good feeling, I think I might have a cold comming up. I feel that in my body - Im not as strong today as I usually am. Hold your thumbs that Im not getting that damn cold. Or should I say.. a cold is ok.. the SWINEFLU is NOT ok!
Ok Later folks!
Vaccination for swine
Since the doctors started to talk about a vacine for the swineflu I wanted to get a shot. But Im not that sure anymore. People getting sick from the vaccin! The question is - if you get the flu, how sick are you gonna be? Just a little bit more then an ordinary flu or really really sick. Of course, if you are one of thoose that already have an illness you might get very sick if you get the flu. But if you are like me - healty, quite young and dont have any other illnesses. How sick am I going to be if I get the flu? And if I get the shot, do I get sick from the shot or am I "lucky" and dont even get tired afterwards? So my friends, what shall you do? Take the shot or not? Or do you already have had the swineflu? Let me know. Thanks
Jåhkåmåhke days in Huddinge
Today I wanted to visit Huddinge. Why? Because every year around this date, they have Jokkmokkdays. Just so you know, Jokkmokk is called Jåhkåmåhkke in lapish.
So when I got home from work this morning I took a nap and around twelve me and my So went to Huddinge to visit their annual Jokkmokks days. I love this market where you can buy meat and handicrafts. They also have performances such as jojk and theatre. When we got there they had this people perform.
I think they are soo cute! Just shortly after I saw them dance - I didn't know animals can dance.
So when I got home from work this morning I took a nap and around twelve me and my So went to Huddinge to visit their annual Jokkmokks days. I love this market where you can buy meat and handicrafts. They also have performances such as jojk and theatre. When we got there they had this people perform.
I think they are soo cute! Just shortly after I saw them dance - I didn't know animals can dance.
Sathurday, candy and work
Sorry for the very bad update but it have been crazy days latley. So I will try to update you my friends. On thursday I was so tired when I got home from work (remember, I worked night) that I had to sleep for 3 hours. After that I had appointments, which worked out just fine. I had planned to go and train box n kick but the appointments took so long time so I had to skip training. On friday I worked all day and right after worked I rusched to train box. So nice with a good workout! Fridays boxing is to punch sandbags. If you havent tryed it - do it! It is fun and hard work. After the training, me, my friend and her sister went out to eat and take a pint. We acctually took two pints but it was damn good! We sat and talked and had a nice time and around twelve we went home.
Now it is soon time to go to work night again, but now I have a big bag of candy with me.
Now it is soon time to go to work night again, but now I have a big bag of candy with me.
Lack of interest
Today was one of thoose days that I hardly got out of bed, not that I was tired. The rest of the day was planned for training at the gym and other stuff. This picture says it all how I spent the day.
Well sorry for the bad update ut I haven't got any internet before now.
Anyway, I am at work now. My bag was soo heavy - lucky me I dont have to go so far from the bus! When it was time for dinner I remember that I had forgot to put it in the fridge, went to the bag and ... yes .. I had forgot it on the kitchentable! Grr.. so no dinner, just some tea and a sandwich. But enough about the whining.
Have you ever thought about your friends? Sometimes it is strange how you get new friends. For example - my SO is a computergeek ( more then me, he spends all his awaken time infront of the screen). A couple of people around the world is developing a operatingsystme called OpenBSD. They met up this summer in Stockholm (where I live) to have a slackathon. One of the guys had his girlfriend with him. Viv - you know it is you Im talking about. Anyway, this girl from Edmonton, Canada is adorable, funny and nice. We spent almost a week making Stockholm unsafe. With her I saw the biggest pizza ever. The plate wasnt even big enough to hold it! OMG.. how on eart can a person eat one for themself? It was enough to fill three people! We had a nice week and I hope to see this girl again in Canada next year when the guys meet up again to have another slackathon.
Well sorry for the bad update ut I haven't got any internet before now.
Anyway, I am at work now. My bag was soo heavy - lucky me I dont have to go so far from the bus! When it was time for dinner I remember that I had forgot to put it in the fridge, went to the bag and ... yes .. I had forgot it on the kitchentable! Grr.. so no dinner, just some tea and a sandwich. But enough about the whining.
Have you ever thought about your friends? Sometimes it is strange how you get new friends. For example - my SO is a computergeek ( more then me, he spends all his awaken time infront of the screen). A couple of people around the world is developing a operatingsystme called OpenBSD. They met up this summer in Stockholm (where I live) to have a slackathon. One of the guys had his girlfriend with him. Viv - you know it is you Im talking about. Anyway, this girl from Edmonton, Canada is adorable, funny and nice. We spent almost a week making Stockholm unsafe. With her I saw the biggest pizza ever. The plate wasnt even big enough to hold it! OMG.. how on eart can a person eat one for themself? It was enough to fill three people! We had a nice week and I hope to see this girl again in Canada next year when the guys meet up again to have another slackathon.
This day started with a seminary about epilepsy and after that staffmeeting. Everything went smoothly so after that me and my dear friend Ella and a friend of her went to take a cup of tea. Very nice! Sadly I had to leave them because I had to go to Ikea and buy some glassjars for the apple purée that I am gonna do this evening.
Monday dinner
Todays dinner was easy. Chicken in creme bonjour ( garlic taste) and chopped onion. To that we had bulgur. I even made dinner for tomorrow aswell. I made pancakes, mushroom sauce and ham sauce. Guess what made of that? Yes, crepes! Over that I sprinkled cheese. I feel soo good now. And later tonight I will make applecake.
I was going to train box today but as I dont feel quite good I think I skip training today and train tomorrow instead.
This is the applecake I did. You have to admit that it looks good?
I was going to train box today but as I dont feel quite good I think I skip training today and train tomorrow instead.
This is the applecake I did. You have to admit that it looks good?
Monday morning
Ok so it is not morning now - I know, but still.. i eat breakfast now after a good sleep-in. I went to bed around 3 am, I'm a eveningperson. and woke up at 11 but stayed in bed and read "Anne Franks diary". What I shall do today? Maybe just stay inside and watch The Simpsons episodes.
Home again
Ok now i am home from training. Thanks hunnie for the dinner! It is always nice to eat good food, especially when you dont have to fix it! The dinner was ready on the table when i got home. Salmon teriyaki, mashed potatoe and corn.
I hope im not getting a cold now, after the training i was tired - and not in a good way. *knock on wood*
Btw, I almost forgot to tell you that me and my man went to the cinema and saw "Zombieland" on thursday. Long time since I enjoyed a movie like that. And yes, as I guess you already found out.. I love horrormovies and zombiemovies. And yes I am well avare of how bad they can be - but still .. can't help to love them! So if you vistit me, please watch a zombiemovie with me! You will make my evening!
I hope im not getting a cold now, after the training i was tired - and not in a good way. *knock on wood*
Btw, I almost forgot to tell you that me and my man went to the cinema and saw "Zombieland" on thursday. Long time since I enjoyed a movie like that. And yes, as I guess you already found out.. I love horrormovies and zombiemovies. And yes I am well avare of how bad they can be - but still .. can't help to love them! So if you vistit me, please watch a zombiemovie with me! You will make my evening!
Sathurday evening
Sunday today. Yesterday was a lazy evening. We sat in the sofa with snacks (me with wine) and saw two movies. Old but still good. "Shaun of the dead" and "Underworld".
Now it is time to get up, eat breakfast (read brunch) and do come cleaning before i go and train some box n' kick.
Now it is time to get up, eat breakfast (read brunch) and do come cleaning before i go and train some box n' kick.
Phuket, Thailand
I was in Thailand about two weeks ago. Me and my SO flew in from ARN at about eleven a sunday night and arrived twenty to three (local time) the following afternoon at Phuket Airport. Flying wasn't all that although it was a direct flight.
Think about it, eleven hours in an aeroplane seat!
I'm not a big person, but my butt and lower back was hurting so much when the plane was about to descend for Phuket.
Although it was in the midst of the monsoon period the weather was great, about 30 degC and well... enough sun for me to get a real nice tan.
The food was splendid and not that fat. For once I didn't have a tummy ache every other day.
Since it was approximately 28 degC in the water (the ocean) I took a PADI scub diver certificate.
I am now allowed to dive wherever I want in the world, down to 18 meter depth.
When I did my "outdoors" diving the water was calm and the visibility was really good.
The island we went to is called Racha Yai.
You should see it... white ocean floor... coralls... and fish in all the colours of the rainbow.
Among other things I saw moray, of which one was out swimming (which is apparently not very common during daytime), various types of clownfish, garish triggerfish, parrotfish, distinctly yellow fish, lionfish, a stingray and a lot of other fish I don't know the name of. I also saw blue and beige starfish.
I'm very proud to say I saw dolphines, after all it's not very often you see them in the wild - free.
It was a magnificent sight.
We also went on a snorkeling trip to Coral island.
Oh, the white sand beaches!
Unfortunately the visibility wasn't very good that day but atleast I could photograph since the camera could withstand diving three meters below.
The only day the rain was really pouring down we were in a mini van headed for the mainland to do elephant trekking. That day the rain would pretty much only take a break which was when we were doing the actual elephant trekking.
After the elephant trekkng it was time for lunch and after that it was time for a river trip. And guess what? The
rain took another break! Lucky us huh? Anyway they guy that steer the raft is soo good. All of a sudden he stopped the raft to show us something, a snake or the moneys ( we didnt acctually see the moneys but we could hear them). When the rivertrip it was time to sit in the bus again to go home.. and guess again. Yes, heavy rain all the way home. We took a break at a gasstation and there we realised we had a flat tire. The guide called somebody the came and picked up the tire and around 15 minutes later we was on the road again.
The rest of the days we spent by the pool and got the last tan we could.
So we had a wonderful vacation.
I already miss Thailand - even before I left it.
For the very first time
So this is it. My very first post in my blog. Now can my friends all over the world follow me during my days of training and tvgames. I hope to get many comments! See you later!